Agriculture facts and figures: 2018

Summary indicators concerning aggregate output, inputs and incomes as well as results from the agricultural census and surveys.

Farm types 2017

Number of holdings Area (ha)
Cereal 2,458 246,542
General cropping 1,724 267,457
Horticulture 699 24,684
Pigs 264 8,109
Poultry 827 11,694
Dairy 659 98,361
Sheep & Cattle LFA 15,049 3,369,775
Sheep & Cattle n LFA 2,914 124,973
Mixed 4,350 291,821
Forage 20,984 1,288,557
Other 1,210 22,306
Total 51,138 5,754,278
Common Grazing 584,062


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