
Agriculture Reform Implementation Oversight Board communique: 15 December 2022

Communique following the meeting of the group on 15 December 2022.

Attendees and apologies


  • Mairi Gougeon Cabinet Secretary Rural Affairs and Islands
  • Martin Kennedy

Items and actions

The Agriculture Reform Implementation Oversight Board (ARIOB) held an online meeting on 15 December 2022 and discussed the following:

Testing for sustainable farming: proposed list of measures

Acting on feedback from ARIOB at the November meeting around scaling, language used and measures to omit, work had been done to package up the list of measures, and members were invited to discuss potential publishable formats to showcase these packages with a view to a summary version of the list being published in February 2023.

Testing for sustainable farming: communications

The Board discussed the criticality of providing sufficient information for the industry to understand what lies ahead and provided their views on the range of potential options for disseminating information. The Board noted that the second phase of testing, the user testing phase, is intended to test the list of measures with 60 industry participants from phase 1 of the process, when the industry was surveyed on their views and willingness to participate in future testing. This user testing phase will launch in January 2023.

The ARIOB will next meet on 3 February 2023.

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