Agriculture and Rural Communities (Scotland) Bill Equality Impact Assessment

Agriculture and Rural Communities (Scotland) Bill Equality Impact Assessment

Stage 4: Decision making and monitoring

Identifying and establishing any required mitigating action

Have positive or negative impacts been identified for any of the equality groups?

Equalities considerations were made early on in the policy process for this legislation. Overall, no negative impacts have been identified regarding the broadly framed enabling powers set out in the Bill. One indirect positive impact has been identified under Rural Communities and Rural Networking by providing continued opportunity for actions to support development of the Rural Delivery Plan, rural community development and rural networking, helping to ensure lesser heard groups are engaged and their needs considered.

Is the policy directly or indirectly discriminatory under the Equality Act 2010?

The proposals in the bill are not directly or indirectly Discriminatory.

If the policy is indirectly discriminatory, how is it justified under the relevant legislation?


If not justified, what mitigating action will be undertaken?


How Equality Impact analysis has shaped the policy making process

The EQIA process has confirmed that the proposed Bill has no impact on any of the protected characteristics. Given that some positive and no negative impacts have been identified, no direct changes are recruit to the proposal in the bill, as a result of this EQIA. Further consideration and equalities impact assessment will be undertaken when developing future policy options for secondary legislation proposals and subsequent support schemes, that will follow on from this Bill, in due course.

The new powers in the bill will enable for a wider range of support to be provided in relation to Continuing Professional Development (CPD) and knowledge, innovation, education and training. In particular, there are no current powers relating to CPD. This could include more opportunities for women, young people and others with protected characteristics.

Any specific schemes or initiatives to encourage new entrants, including those with protected characteristics, as well as any specific schemes and initiatives for women in agriculture, will be subject to further EQIA assessment.

Payments Framework

No impacts have been identified regarding the broadly framed enabling powers set out in the Bill.

Food and Drink

The food and drink provisions in the Bill have been drafted to support the food and drink sector regardless of the characteristics of those in business who will benefit from such support, and with an awareness of the benefits of such support for the wider community.

Climate and nature

No impacts have been identified. Addressing the climate and nature outcomes, under the Vision, through the Bill do not impact on any equality characteristics.

Payments Administration & Data

No impacts have been identified regarding the broadly framed enabling powers set out in the Bill. The Payments Administration and data powers contained in the Bill will enable Ministers to create a framework for the enforcing, monitoring and evaluation of progress towards achieving the objectives of the Vision and the bill. They do not impact on any protected characteristics.

Support for Rural Communities and Rural Networking

No impacts have been identified regarding the broadly framed enabling powers set out in the Bill. However, we will continue to view policy development in this area through an equalities lens, ensuring that impacts on people with protected characteristics are fully considered.

Animal Health, Welfare and Genetic Resources

No impacts have been identified from the broad based enabling powers set out in the Bill. The powers need for these powers has been identified and they have been developed to avoid unintended impacts on equality and protected characteristics.

Plant genetic resources

No impacts have been identified regarding the broadly framed enabling powers set out in the Bill.


No impacts have been identified regarding the broadly framed enabling powers set out in the Bill.


The powers conferred by the Bill seek to provide continuity, so far as possible, with the existing forestry grant scheme. No changes are currently proposed but when further development takes place during the drafting of the secondary legislation further consideration will be given to carrying out an EQIA.

Knowledge, innovation, education and training

No impacts have been identified regarding the broadly framed enabling powers set out in the Bill. We will continue to view policy development in this area through an equalities lens and ensure that we fully consider the impact of people with protected characteristics.



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