Agriculture and Rural Communities (Scotland) Bill - Fairer Scotland Duty Assessment

Agriculture and Rural Communities (Scotland) Bill - Fairer Scotland Duty Assessment


1. Forest Research, 2022, 'Forestry Facts & Figures 2022' (

2. John Hollingdale, 2022, 'Green finance, land reform and a just transition to net zero 2022'

3. Communities Analysis Division, Scottish Government, 2016, 'Rural Deprivation Evidence Summary'

4. Changes to the Woodland Carbon Code (WCC) additionality rules

5. Commercial forestry transactions shrink, but values holding - Strutt & Parker (

6. Improving access to urban green spaces to reduce health inequalities - IEEP AISBL

7. Ward Thompson, C, Roe, J & Aspinall, 2013, 'Woodland improvements in deprived urban communities: what impact do they have on people's activities and quality of life?'

8. Rebecca S Geary et al, 2023, 'Ambient greenness, access to local green spaces, and subsequent mental health: a 10-year longitudinal dynamic panel study of 2·3 million adults in Wales'



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