
Agriculture and Rural Communities (Scotland) Bill: supporting evidence and analysis

This report outlines the current position of the Scottish agricultural sector, with evidence aligned to the objectives in our Vision for Agriculture, and provides information on our approach to assessing new policy proposals as they are taken through secondary legislation.


1. Note, significant amounts of barley are used to produce whisky and a small amount of output will be for a range of industrial purposes, for example production of starch or bioethanol from cereals. These figures exclude seed, animal feed and other output.

2. Beef and dairy – provisionally adjusted based on SRUC analysis which found around 9% of Scotland’s finishing herd was kept on specialist dairy holdings. Note: Total output above excludes certain elements of TIFF like capital outlays, store animals and income from other agricultural activity.

3. Note, figures are taken from the Farm Business Survey based on a sample of farms with economic activity of over £20,000 and excludes farms not in receipt of support payments such as pigs, poultry or horticulture.



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