
Allied Health Professions: disclosure guidance

Guidance for anyone supporting individuals with criminal convictions and mental health conditions/learning disabilities into work, volunteering or education by providing the necessary knowledge, resources and guidance on the disclosure process.

Guidance Development

This document was co-developed by Occupational Therapists and the Scottish Government. It is intended to support individuals with criminal convictions and mental health conditions / learning disabilities into work, volunteering or education. Those that were involved in the development of the document include:

  • Moira Paterson Lead Occupational Therapist, NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde
  • Christine Breslin, Team Lead Occupational Therapist, NHS Ayrshire and Arran
  • Stuart Bennett, Forensic Occupational Therapist, NHS Fife
  • Susan Cairns, Advanced Practitioner Occupational Therapist, NHS Lanarkshire
  • Fiona Reid, Occupational Therapist Clinical Specialist, NHS Forth Valley
  • Lisa Moen, Occupational Therapist, NHS Lanarkshire
  • Susan Bradford, Specialist Occupational Therapist/Certified Disability Management Professional, NHS Lothian.
  • Catherine Totten, AHP Professional Advisor Mental Health, Scottish Government
  • Danielle McLeary, Policy Officer, Forensic Mental Health Reform Team, Scottish Government

Please see Annex D for more information on the original membership of the group.

This document has been reviewed for accuracy in May 2023. The guidance is due to be reviewed again May 2025.

It is thought that at the time of publication the content of this document is accurate. No responsibility can be taken by the group for any inaccuracies as there may be changes in legislation which may impact on the document. Important Note: This is intended as general guidance only. It is not legal advice and must not be regarded as such. Anyone in doubt should seek their own legal advice.



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