
Allied Health Professions: disclosure guidance

Guidance for anyone supporting individuals with criminal convictions and mental health conditions/learning disabilities into work, volunteering or education by providing the necessary knowledge, resources and guidance on the disclosure process.

11 Glossary Of Terms

AHP Allied Health Professions

AtP Alternative to Prosecution

CORO Compulsion Order with Restriction Order

CPA Care Programme Approach

HNC Higher National Certificate

LOD Letter of Disclosure

MAPPA Multi Agency Public Protection Arrangements

MHTS Mental Health Tribunal for Scotland

MDT Multi-disciplinary Team

MOP Memorandum of Procedures

ORI Other Relevant Information

PIP Personal Information Plan

PVG Protection of Vulnerable Groups

RMO Responsible Medical Officer

RNLDs Registered Nurses Learning Disabilities

ROA The Rehabilitation of Offenders Act

SAR Subject Access Report

SUS Suspension Of Detention from hospital (granted under section 224 of the Mental Health (Care and Treatment) (Scotland) Act 2003 for restricted patients)

TTD Transfer for Treatment Direction



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