Air Departure Tax: consultations and environmental report
Consultations relating to our policy for an overall 50% Air Departure Tax (ADT) reduction by the end of the current session of Parliament. Includes a Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA).
Appendix A: Glossary
ADT | Air Departure Tax |
APD | Air Passenger Duty |
AQMA | Air Quality Management Area |
ATAG | Air Transport Action Group |
CAA | Civil Aviation Authority |
UK CCRA | UK Climate Change Risk Assessment |
CO 2 | Carbon dioxide |
CORSIA | Carbon Offsetting and Reduction Scheme for International Aviation |
EC | European Commission |
EEA | European Economic Area |
EIA | Environmental Impact Assessment |
ETS | Emissions Trading System |
EU | European Union |
GHG | Greenhouse Gas(es) |
GMBM | Global market-based measure |
HES | Historic Environment Scotland |
ICAO | International Civil Aviation Organization |
Mt | Million tonnes |
MtCO 2e | Million tonnes carbon dioxide equivalent |
NPF3 | National Planning Framework 3 |
PM | Particulate Matter |
RPP | Low Carbon Scotland: Meeting our Emissions Reduction Targets 2010 - 2022 : The Report of Policies and Proposals |
RPP2 | Low Carbon Scotland: Meeting our Emissions Reduction Targets 2013 - 2027: The Second Report of Policies and Proposals |
SAC | Special Area of Conservation |
SEA | Strategic Environmental Assessment |
SEPA | Scottish Environment Protection Agency |
SIMD | Scottish Index of Multiple Deprivation |
SNH | Scottish Natural Heritage |
SPA | Special Protection Area |
SPP | Scottish Planning Policy |
SSSI | Site of Special Scientific Interest |
The 2005 Act | Environmental Assessment (Scotland) Act 2005 |
The 2009 Act | Climate Change (Scotland) Act 2009 |
UK | United Kingdom |
UN | United Nations |
UNFCCC | United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change |
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