
Consultation on an overall 50% reduction of air departure tax in Scotland: analysis of responses

An analysis of responses to the Scottish Government’s consultation on an overall 50% reduction plan and environmental report for air departure tax.



2. The results of this consultation were published here:

3. Air Departure Tax ( ADT) - Consultations on an overall 50% reduction policy plan and an Environmental Report:

4. A total of 782 campaign responses were received which used standard response text developed by the Scottish Green Party; as is standard for this type of consultation analysis, these have been treated as 1 distinct response.

5. These 29 responses included 2 responses from individuals which included the standard campaign text, but which differed from other campaign-based responses in supporting the policy plan.



8. Note that any Scottish Government assistance would be subject to compliance with EU state aid rules.

9. Arrivals are out with the scope of ADT, and as such the policy plan only covers departing flights.

10. Noting that APD policy is a matter reserved to the UK Government.

11. The Post Adoption Statement will explain how the Environmental Report and consultation responses have been taken into account by the policy, and set out the approach to monitoring the environmental effects of the policy.


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