
Air departure tax in Scotland: an economic assessment

An economic assessment on the impact of a 50% reduction in the overall burden of air departure tax and a plan for future monitoring and evaluation.

Appendix C - Monitoring and Evaluation Framework

Outcome / Impact Potential Indicator(s) Rationale for Indicator(s) Source & Availability
Outcome: Additional Passengers 1) Total passenger throughput at each Scottish airport and selected comparator airports.
2) Monthly terminal passengers at each Scottish airport and selected comparator airports.
3) Route level carryings from each Scottish airport.
4) Profile of average fares at various levels of aggregation.
5) CAA survey of Scottish airport.
6) Consultation with Virgin Trains East and West Coast on any displacement from rail - qualitative
The indicators would provide an indication of the change in passenger demand at various levels of aggregation and segmentation. 1) Published annually in Scottish Transport Statistics.
2) Published on a monthly basis by the CAA.
3) Not readily available – would require a data request to the airlines – data provision likely to be patchy.
4) Collected on a monthly basis – data is limited and would require to be purchased. Alternative is to use a web-based search
5) CAA has confirmed that there will be a further survey in 2018 which includes Scottish airport.
6) Consultation with Virgin East Coast and Virgin West Coast.
Outcome: Supply side Response, Airlines 1) Listing of airlines by market segment operating from each Scottish airport.
2) Record of all routes operated from Scotland itemised by market segment, with new routes flagged.
3) Annotation of record of routes with a record of service frequencies, noting any changes.
4) Annotation of the record of routes with a record of aircraft type.
5) Based aircraft – list of based aircraft by airline / airline type.
The indicators would provide an indication of the change on the supply side in response to the introduction of ADT. 1) Web-based search.
2) Web-based search / consultation with airports or airlines
3) Web-based search / consultation with airports or airlines
4) Web-based search / consultation with airports or airlines
5) Web-based search / consultation with airports or airlines
Outcome: Supply side Response, Airports 1) Record of any investments made by all Scottish airports. This indicator would provide a record of any additional investments made by airports in response to ADT. 1) Consultation with airports.
Impacts: Tourism Numbers 1) Estimate of tourism implications of ADT – qualitative. This indicator would assess the tourism related impact of introducing ADT, noted as the most significant impact of the policy in absolute terms. 1) Consultation with airports, Visit Scotland, Team Scotland etc.
Impacts: Wider economic impacts 1) Review of Economic Impact Assessment in this report. Provides outturn economic impacts based on outturn passenger numbers 1) Use of outturn passenger figures – readily available. Comparison against current do nothing or a control group.
Impact: Revenue 1) ADT receipts accruing to Revenue Scotland. Provides a record of financial cost of policy. 1) ADT receipts published by Revenue Scotland.


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