
Alcohol and Drug Partnerships (ADP) 2022/23 Annual Survey

This publication reports on responses to the annual survey of Alcohol and Drug Partnerships (ADPs) in Scotland for 2022/23. Its main aim is to evidence progress of the National Mission by providing information on the activity undertaken by ADPs.

Executive Summary

Responses were received from 29 of the 30 ADPs in Scotland.

Most ADPs reported that drug death review groups were in place in 2022/23.

There was a wide range in the size of the drug and alcohol services workforce reported by ADPs (1 WTE to 519 WTEs, median 52.4 WTE). ADPs reported that they employed an average of 3.1 whole-time equivalent (WTE) staffing resource routinely dedicated to their ADP support team. The average number of ADP support team vacancies reported was 0.4 WTEs. All ADPs reported a range of activities having been undertaken in their ADP area to improve and support workforce wellbeing (volunteers as well as salaried staff).

All ADPs reported evidence of some level of involvement of people with lived/living experience (LLE) and family members within the ADP structure, with higher rates for people with lived/living experience compared to family members. Most ADPs reported that some form of monitoring mechanism was in place to ensure that services they fund are encouraged/supported to involve people with LLE and/or family members in different stages of service delivery. All but two ADP areas reported a formal mechanism at the ADP level for gathering feedback from people with LLE using services the ADP fund.

All ADPs reported that they consider stigma reduction for people who use substances and/or their families in at least one of their written strategies or policies. Most ADPs reported providing specific training on stigma to employees of health care and third sector organisations.

All ADPs have funded or supported education and prevention activities across a range of audiences. Overall ADPs generally funded or supported education and prevention activities to young people (aged 16-24 years) at higher rates compared to children (aged 0-15 years).

ADPs reported on the availability of four key harm reduction services in their ADP area: naloxone supply, Hepatitis C testing, injecting equipment provision and wound care across different settings. Generally, of the harm reduction services, naloxone was most widely available. Of the settings, drugs services offed the widest range of harm reduction services.

All ADPs reported having referral pathways in place in their area to ensure people who experience a near-fatal overdose (NFO) are identified and offered support.

All ADPs reported that justice partners are represented on the ADP and reported a range of other ways of working with them. ADPs also supported or funded a range of activities at the different stages of engagement with the justice system.

Recovery communities were prevalent across ADPs, with survey respondents reporting a range of 0 to 43 recovery communities in their areas, with a sector-wide average of eight.

All ADPs reported having some form of treatment or screening options in place to address alcohol harms.

ADPs cited a range of barriers to implementing MAT Standards in their area including insufficient funds and training needs.

ADPs reported a range of barriers to residential rehabilitation in their area including lack of specialist providers and insufficient funds.

ADPs reported a range of treatment and support services in place specifically for children and young people using drugs and alcohol. Overall, treatment and support services were typically in place more widely for young people (aged 16-24 years) compared to children (aged 13-15 years), with the exception of school outreach. Most ADPs reported that they had specific treatment and support services for children up the age of 12 years.

ADPs reported having specific treatment and support services in place for a range of groups. Around two thirds of ADPs indicated there were specific services in place for women.

Over half of ADPs reported that they had formal joint working protocols in place to support people with co-occurring substance use and mental health diagnoses to receive mental health care.

ADPs reported a range of treatment and support services in place for children and young people (under the age of 25 years) affected by a parent’s or carer’s substance use. These included family support services, information services, carer support services and mental health services.

ADPs also outlined a range of support services in place for adults affected by another person’s substance use. These included naloxone training and support groups, advocacy services and one-to-one support services.

Most ADPs reported that they contributed to the integrated children’s service plan, and most ADPs have an agreed set of activities and priorities with local partners to implement the Holistic Whole Family Approach.



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