
Alcohol etc. (Scotland) Act 2010: guidance for licensing boards

Guidance to assist with implementation of the Alcohol etc. (Scotland) Act 2010.


Chief constables' reports to Licensing Boards and Local Licensing Forums

6.1 Section 12 of the Alcohol Act amends the 2005 Act to impose a duty on every chief constable to send a report to Licensing Boards in the chief constable's police area in respect of the policing of the 2005 Act in the Board's area and any police work in preventing the sale or supply of alcohol to those under 18. This report must be sent to the Licensing Board as soon as practical after the end of each financial year. The report should set out the Chief Constable's views about matters relating to policing in connection with the operation of the 2005 Act in the Board's area. in the previous year and the following year, and also set out any steps taken in the previous year, or to be taken in the following year, to prevent the sale or supply of alcohol to those under 18. The Chief Constable is also required to send a copy of the report to the Local Licensing Forum for the Board's area, and requires a police officer to attend a meeting of the Licensing Board or the Local Licensing Forum to discuss the report if the Licensing Board or the Forum requests it.


Email: alastair bowden

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