
Alcohol Framework 2018

Updated framework setting out our national prevention aims on alcohol.

Summary of Actions

Our actions are described according to their impacts as follows:

Protecting Young People PYP

Tackling Health Inequalities THI

Improving National Systems INS

Whole Population Approach WPA

Overarching commitment
Number Action Responsibility Timing Contributes to
1 We will put the voices of children and young people at the heart of developing preventative measures on alcohol. This will involve encouraging and seeking the views of children and young people. Scottish Government Ongoing PYP
Reducing consumption: affordability and sales
Number Action Responsibility Timing Contributes to
2 We will evaluate the impacts of minimum unit pricing during its first five years of operation. Scottish Government, with NHS Health Scotland 2018 to 2023 WPA
3 We will review the minimum unit price following two full years of operation, after 1 May 2020. Scottish Government From 1 May 2020 WPA
4 We will scope research into online and telephone alcohol sales to better understand these growing markets and any issues arising as a result. Scottish Government, with NHS Health Scotland Beginning in 2019 WPA
Reducing consumption: availability and licensing
Number Action Responsibility Timing Contributes to
5 We will update the statutory guidance on the Licensing (Scotland) Act 2005 to provide clarity for Licensing Boards on implementing the five licensing objectives, including the public health objective, and the overprovision statement. A full public consultation will be held in 2019. Scottish Government 2019 INS
6 We will keep the licensing system under review to ensure it can deliver for public health, commissioning research as necessary. Once new Licensing Policy Statements have bedded-in,
from 2019 we will revisit the findings of the 2013 MESAS study, An evaluation of the implementation of, and compliance with, the objectives of the Licensing (Scotland) Act 2005, focusing on evaluating the operational effectiveness of the public health licensing objective in light of the changes made since to alcohol licensing.
Scottish Government, with NHS Health Scotland and Alcohol and Drug Partnerships Ongoing – and from 2019 for evaluation of public health objective effectiveness INS
7 We will continue to support Alcohol Focus
Scotland to build awareness at a local level so that local communities, Health and Social Care Partnerships and Alcohol and Drug Partnerships
can be effective in influencing the licensing regime.
Scottish Government, Alcohol Focus Scotland, Health and Social Care Partnerships and Alcohol and Drug Partnerships Ongoing INS
8 We will work with the alcohol industry on projects which can impact meaningfully on reducing alcohol harms; but not on health policy development, on health messaging campaigns or on provision of education in schools and beyond the school setting. Scottish Government Ongoing PYP
Positive attitudes, positive choices: attractiveness – marketing and advertising
Number Action Responsibility Timing Contributes to
9 We will press the UK Government to protect children and young people from exposure to alcohol marketing on television before the 9pm watershed and in cinemas – or else devolve the powers so the Scottish Parliament can act. Scottish Government From 2018 and on an ongoing basis PYP
10 We will consult and engage on the appropriateness of a range of potential measures, including mandatory restrictions on alcohol marketing, as recommended by the World Health Organization, to protect children and young people from alcohol marketing in Scotland. Scottish Government Beginning in 2019 PYP
Positive attitudes, positive choices: education, awareness raising and behaviour change
Number Action Responsibility Timing Contributes to
11 We will revise and improve the programme of substance use education in schools to ensure it is good quality, impactful and in line with best practice. Scottish Government, with Education Scotland Beginning in 2019 PYP
12 We will develop education-based, person-centred approaches that are delivered in line with evidence-based practice to aim to reach all of our children and young people including those not present in traditional settings, such as Youth Groups, Community Learning and Development, looked after and accommodated children, excluded children and those in touch with services. Scottish Government, with Education Scotland Beginning in 2019 PYP
13 We will develop our current online resources to ensure they provide accurate, evidence-based, relevant and up-to-date information and advice, around alcohol and drug use; and how to access help. Scottish Government,
with partners
Beginning in 2019 PYP
14 We will initiate national marketing work, with partners, promoting the messages of the UK CMOs’ lower-risk drinking guidelines during 2018, and we will launch this campaign nationwide in 2019. Scottish Government, with a range of national and local partners, including Health and Social Care Partnerships, Alcohol and Drugs Partnerships and third sector partners Launch in 2018-19, with ongoing support in future years WPA
Positive attitudes, positive choices: education, awareness raising and behaviour change – continued
Number Action Responsibility Timing Contributes to
15 We will press alcohol producers to place health information on physical product and packaging labels – and will be prepared to consider pursuing a mandatory approach in Scotland if the UK Government’s deadline of September 2019 is not met. Scottish Government Beginning in 2018 WPA
16 We will work with partners to raise awareness of the links between alcohol consumption and cancer. Scottish Government, with partners Beginning in 2018 WPA
17 We will review evidence on current delivery of Alcohol Brief Interventions to ensure they are being carried out in the most effective manner, look at how they are working in primary care settings – where the evidence is strongest – and whether there would be benefit in increasing the settings in which they are delivered. Scottish Government, with NHS Health Scotland Beginning in 2018 WPA
Supporting families and communities: Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder – prevention, diagnosis and support
Number Action Responsibility Timing Contributes to
18 We will continue to prevent and reduce the harm caused by alcohol consumption in pregnancy through increased awareness of the risks, increased awareness of, and improved diagnosis and support for, Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder. Scottish Government, with partners Various timescales WPA
Supporting families and communities: positive alternatives and safer communities
Number Action Responsibility Timing Contributes to
19 In recognising the link between community safety and alcohol, we will continue to work with partners to build awareness and resilience to both reduce harm and improve life choices. Scottish Government, with partners Insert various timescales as above PYP
Supporting families and communities: preventing alcohol-related violence and crime
Number Action Responsibility Timing Contributes to
20 We will continue to work with partners to reduce alcohol-related violence and crime, through a combination of enforcing legislation, prevention work and early intervention activity. Scottish Government, with partners Various timescales PYP


Email: Alison Ferguson

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