
Alcohol - minimum unit pricing - continuation and future pricing: consultation

We are consulting on whether Minimum Unit Pricing (MUP) should be continued as part of the range of policy measures in place to address alcohol related harm, and, in the event of its continuation, the level the minimum unit price should be set going forward.


1. Hazardous drinking is a pattern of consumption of alcohol which increases someone's risk of harm commonly defined as drinking at a level of over 14 units per week (NICE 2010, SHeS 2020). Harmful drinking refers to a pattern of consumption which is likely to cause either physical or mental harm and is commonly defined as drinking over 35 units a week for women or 50 units for men (NICE 2010).

2. Alcohol (Minimum Pricing) (Scotland) Act 2012 (

3. Evaluation of minimum unit pricing (MUP) - Alcohol - Health topics - Public Health Scotland

4. Evaluating the impact of minimum unit pricing for alcohol in Scotland: Final report (

5. The reduction in alcohol-attributable deaths and hospital admissions found as part of the evaluation are estimates

6. The report was laid before Parliament on 20 September 2023 and is available here.

7. Sheffield Alcohol Research Group - Scottish MUP Report 2023

8. The Sheffield University model used 2019 as the baseline year for their modelling as well as 50ppu. All other price levels were then compared against this "control" to show changes. Sheffield Alcohol Research Group - Scottish MUP Report 2023

9. Consumer Prices Index including Housing Costs, though the extent to which any new MUP level raise would be broadly in line with inflation would depend on length of time of any implementation period and ongoing inflation up to that point.

10. 45% of sales below 50ppu in 2017 from latest MESAS Report. Revised from 47% published in the 2018 Monitoring and Evaluating Scotlands Alcohol Strategy (MESAS), 2018 ( , page 8

11. Scottish Government analysis of Circana Ltd data

12. ABV is how the strength of an alcoholic drink is measured: the number stated as a % indicates the proportion of the alcoholic drink that is pure alcohol (ethanol).

13. Evaluating the impact of minimum unit pricing for alcohol in Scotland: Final report ( p.45

14. Monitoring and Evaluating Scotlands Alcohol Strategy (MESAS), 2022 (, page 4

15. Sheffield Alcohol Research Group - Scottish MUP Report 2023

16. Information for retailers -

17. Alcohol (Minimum Pricing) (Scotland) Act 2012 - Explanatory Notes (

18. A chronic condition is one that develops slowly and may worsen over time. A chronic alcohol-attributable condition is one that develops due to long-term alcohol consumption, such as alcoholic liver disease.

19. Sheffield Alcohol Research Group - Scottish MUP Report 2023

20. The temporal relationship between per capita alcohol consumption and harm: A systematic review of time lag specifications in aggregate time series analyses (

21. Alcohol: No Ordinary Commodity , published December 2022 (chapter 16)

22. Drug and Alcohol Information System (DAISy) - Data and intelligence - Substance use - Our areas of work - Public Health Scotland, DAISy is a national database that holds data on drug and alcohol across Scotland delivering specialist interventions.



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