
The active and independent living programme 2016-2020

Framework for health professionals to work in partnership with people in Scotland to help them live healthy, active and independent lives.

AILP Headlines …

What is AILP?

The Active and Independent Living Programme ( AILP) will support allied health professionals ( AHPs), working in partnership with fellow health and social care staff, to deliver key elements of the Health and Social Care Delivery Plan and other national policies, such as Transforming Primary Care and the integration of health and social care. It sets out the broad strategic direction for the programme, including the six overarching ambitions, to drive significant culture change in how people can access and receive AHP support for self-management, prevention, early intervention, rehabilitation and enablement services.

An improvement programme within AILP will drive this agenda by delivering improvements in support for people to manage their wellbeing, live active and independent lives, become or remain economically active and participate in their local communities. Priority areas will be identified over the course of the programme to ensure alignment with national policy and local developments. An action plan setting out the key deliverables and improvement programme will be published in each year of the programme, and specific articulations with national strategies and initiatives will be reflected in annual update reports.

What is this document, and who is it for?

This document provides a framework to describe and further engage the AHP contribution to developing new approaches to active and independent living.

The target audience is chief executives of NHS boards, chief officers of health and social care integration authorities, independent contractors, executive leads for AHPs in NHS boards, and key strategic leaders across health and social care and other agencies, as well as the general public and people who use services.

What are AILP's aims?

AILP aims to provide focus to the contribution AHPs make, working with other professions and partners across agencies to improve the health and wellbeing of the population throughout the life-course. It offers opportunities to fully realise the benefits of an emphasis on wellbeing and wellness, in addition to the effective treatment of ill health. In this context, it sits neatly within the objectives of the Health and Social Care Delivery Plan by focusing on the AHP contribution to delivering better health, better care and better value.

What is its focus?

The primary focus of the AHP contribution is to ensure this work is embedded locally within partnerships, GP clusters, hospital services and integration authorities, thereby contributing to achieving targets set out in local strategic commissioning plans.

What will be different?

The innovation this programme will bring to prevention, early intervention and rehabilitation will transform not only the way AHPs work, but more importantly, also help the people of Scotland to live healthy, active and independent lives, thereby supporting the national health and wellbeing outcomes. Working to the AILP ambitions and with partners across all professions and sectors, AHPs will develop their targeted and universal interventions to make a more visible, accessible and measurable contribution to supporting the populations they serve.

Prevention will no longer be the 'wicked problem'. It will be embedded in strategic plans of joint integration authorities, with clear deliverables to support the aims of the Health and Social Care Delivery Plan.


Email: Julie Townsend

Phone: 0300 244 4000 – Central Enquiry Unit

The Scottish Government
St Andrew's House
Regent Road

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