
The active and independent living programme 2016-2020

Framework for health professionals to work in partnership with people in Scotland to help them live healthy, active and independent lives.

What People Can Expect

The table below lists the six ambitions, summarises the long-term objectives and describes what people can expect when AHP services are working to them.

The Vision for AILP

Allied health professionals will work in partnership with the people of Scotland to enable them to live healthy, active and independent lives by supporting personal outcomes for health and wellbeing

AILP ambitions

AILP ambition statements


What people can expect

To meet the health, care and wellbeing needs of the population now and in the future:

By 2020, working with local partners, the programme aims to:

What people can expect:

Health and wellbeing

AHPs need to prioritise health promotion, prevention and early intervention strategies across all services, underpinned by personal-outcomes approaches and inclusive information

prioritise prevention and early intervention as a key focus of AHP service delivery, whether through direct preventative approaches or partnership- working with other agencies

  • availability of evidence-based, inclusive self-management information provided by AHPs
  • access to AHP interventions at the earliest time for maximum benefit
  • brief interventions from AHPs to promote health and wellbeing
  • discussions with an AHP regarding their health and wellbeing will be routine, as and when appropriate


people need easily accessible routes to AHP services and information when required

offer timely access to AHP services to people who need assistance or advice to live independently

  • easy access and self-referral to all AHP services
  • simple re-routing from AHP services to other services if required
  • use of web-based technology to access services/information/advice


the public and other stakeholders need to be aware of AHP services in their local communities

ensure that the general public, third sector organisations and health and social care staff have a better understanding of the contribution AHPs make to promoting healthy and independent living

  • AHP services embedded within the 'Know Who To Turn To' directory of services
  • AHPs who are aware of the health and wellbeing resources and amenities available in the communities in which they work to signpost people to the most appropriate services

Partnership- working

AHPs need to think about different ways of working with people

who use AHP services

have developed AHP pathways that are multi-agency where appropriate, and partnership approaches that improve people's health and wellbeing

  • pathways across agencies that set out the AHP contribution to supporting health and wellbeing
  • people's goals inform AHP actions
  • less duplication of assessment

Research and innovation

AHPs need to deliver excellence through improvement, innovation and research

ensure that research and innovation will be key to any service redesign

  • technology supporting interventions, if required
  • evidence-based interventions
  • AHPs at the forefront of research into prevention and early intervention, and rehabilitation


AHPs will comprise a competent, skilled and knowledgeable workforce that is flexible and responsive to the needs of the population

have an AHP workforce that will be delivering the right care in the right place

  • appropriately trained and informed AHPs
  • an appropriate number and skill mix of AHPs providing local services
  • information about the recommended skill mix and number of AHPs working in their local area

Measuring success

The measure of success for the programme will be not only how well the six ambitions have been achieved, but also the impact specific targeted approaches have had on people's experiences, key national actions from the Health and Social Care Delivery Plan and objectives from NHS boards' and integration authorities' strategic plans. Identified priority work streams will be measured through rigorous improvement methodologies and national evaluation strategies and will be published through the AILP community of practice.

Delivering this transformational programme will require leadership for quality improvement, research and real partnership-working across health and social care, as well as the third sector and other agencies. It will also require AHPs to work in new, flexible and innovative ways, thereby supporting the people of Scotland to live healthy, active and independent lives.


Email: Julie Townsend

Phone: 0300 244 4000 – Central Enquiry Unit

The Scottish Government
St Andrew's House
Regent Road

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