
The active and independent living programme 2016-2020

Framework for health professionals to work in partnership with people in Scotland to help them live healthy, active and independent lives.

Appendix 1. Wellbeing Approaches Across the Life-Course

Wellbeing Approaches

Move and Improve

Eat Well

Make Every Communication Count

Starting well

AHPs will work collaboratively with partners to improve physical activity in children and young people, building on evidence and current best practice and linking with public health. Examples include further expansion of the Daily Mile in schools, nurseries, colleges and universities.

AHPs will work with colleagues, including midwives, health visitors and school nurses, to build on successful evidence-based interventions and develop multidisciplinary programmes to support early maternal nutrition, breastfeeding, weaning and healthy eating approaches for mums and children.

AHPs will develop and deliver a national programme based on evidence and current best practice to support children in their speech, language and communication competencies, enhancing participation and attainment through developmental and targeted approaches, in partnership with teachers, education teams and parents.

Living and working well

AHPs will work across agencies to generate a range of approaches to support physical activity in the working-age population, including the expansion of the Daily Mile to workplace settings, linking with Healthy Working Lives and other partners, particularly in support of mental health exercise-based interventions for people with depression and links with wider workplace-based initiatives, including Eat Well and the delivery of the Mental Health Strategy.

AHPs will work across agencies and with partners, including Healthy Working Lives, to support adults in the workplace in making healthy eating choices and creating workplaces that enable healthy approaches to support staff wellbeing, including Move and Improve, as well as enhancing staff engagement and productivity.

AHPs will use every contact and clinical encounter as an opportunity to explore what 'matters to you', the work question and generate conversations that matter about future health and wellbeing, in particular relating to Move and Improve and Eat Well. In addition, AHPs will strive to exemplify inclusive communication as standard in the information and advice generated and approaches developed going forward.

Ageing well

AHPs will support the implementation of Care About Physical Activity ( CAPA), a programme of work funded by Active Scotland Division and led by the Care Inspectorate, which aims to build on the skills, knowledge and confidence of social care staff to enable those they care for to increase their levels of physical activity and move more often.

AHPs will work with GPs and other partners to explore and co-produce evidence-based approaches and pathways to support healthy eating within the older population, including managing malnutrition, the social dimension of food and eating, and the appropriate prescription and review of oral nutritional supplements in community settings.

AHPs will continue to support the Making Every Moment Count ( MEMC) initiative in the care sector and work in partnership to explore integrating this work in other care sectors.


Email: Julie Townsend

Phone: 0300 244 4000 – Central Enquiry Unit

The Scottish Government
St Andrew's House
Regent Road

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