Allied Health Professions Education and Workforce Policy Review: Advancing Practice Subgroup minutes: August 2022

Minutes from the meeting of the subgroup on 9 August 2022.

Attendees and apologies

  • Joan Pollard, Scottish Directors of Allied Health Professions (SDAHP)
  • David Wylie, NHS Education for Scotland (NES)
  • Sara Smith, Queen Margaret University
  • Gillian Macleod, Scottish Directors of AHPs (SDAHP)
  • Alison Keir, Allied Health Professions Federation Scotland (AHPFS)
  • Ruth Currie, Allied Health Professions Federation Scotland (AHPFS)
  • Mhairi Brandon, NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde, Consultant AHP
  • Anne Wallace, Scottish Government
  • Alison Moore, Scottish Government
  • Abby Campbell, Scottish Government
  • Sean Torrens, Scottish Government 
  • Valerie Blair, NHS Education for Scotland (NES)
  • Sara Conroy , Allied Health Professions Federation Scotland (AHPfS)
  • Jane Harris, NHS Education for Scotland (NES)
  • Adam Pinner, The Scottish Radiology Transformation Programme (SRTP)
  • Anne-Marie Ross, The Scottish Radiology Transformation Programme (SRTP)
  • Amy Currie, The Scottish Radiology Transformation Programme (SRTP)


  • Kim Lynch, Scottish Government
  • Lynn Morrison, Scottish Directors of AHPs (SDAHP)
  • Helen Gallagher, Glasgow Caledonian University

Items and actions

Welcome and action points from previous meeting

It was noted that the minutes and highlight report of the previous Advancing Practice meeting held on 23 June 2022 were agreed.

Update on previously agreed action points:

  • any other business is to be sent in advance of future meetings – ongoing 
  • volunteers for vice chair to be sent to secretariat – complete, Alison Keir has volunteered to be vice chair
  • highlight reports from the other subgroups to be shared – complete and available on objective connect 
  • Scottish Government (SG) to assimilate and share updated driver diagram – ongoing and a first draft is complete and will be expanded on as work continues
  • share the Transforming Roles paper with the group by 30 June 2022 – complete and available on objective connect 

Transforming Roles

A smaller subgroup are looking at the Transforming Roles work that is being undertaken by NHS Education for Scotland (NES) this with the aim of producing a recommendation around this. 

Action point: 

  • first draft of amended Transforming Roles paper to be shared by 9 September 2022

Presentation: advancing practice and workforce within diagnostic radiology

The presentation was given by Adam Pinner, Amy Currie and Anne-Marie Ross from The Scottish Radiology Transformation Programme (SRTP).  

Action point –

  • share presentation slides with the group by next meeting on 15 September 2022
  • SG secretariat to pull additional questions from meeting chat log and send to Adam, Amy and Anne-Marie for follow up by next meeting on15 September 2022

Presentation from Jane Harris, NES, on The Scottish Centre for Advancing Practice

The group noted the following:

  • a national approach would provide support, network and help create consistency but there needs to be clarity around what regional academies look like
  • the whole structure needs relooked at but this requires funding

Action point:

  • share presentation slides with the group by next meeting on 15 September 2022

Driver diagram

The group considered the drafted driver diagram. 

This group will have close crossover with the Education Solutions subgroup.

It was agreed that this won’t be signed off until further discussion is had around the overarching themes and primary drivers. 

Action point:

  • driver diagram discussion to be the main focus at the next meeting on 15 September 2022

Adam from SRTP noted that there are conversion courses and apprenticeships to help with progression and development for radiographers in England. There are thoughts around whether or not to pilot work to feed into other areas and how these would work in practice.

Action point:

  • Anne and Adam to take forward a conversation about this

Any other business

The next meeting is scheduled for 15 September 2022 from 2pm to 3.30pm.

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