Allied Health Professions Education and Workforce Policy Review: National Strategic Oversight Group minutes: May 2022

Attendees and apologies


  • Carolyn McDonald, Scottish Government
  • Alison Moore, Scottish Government
  • Kim Lynch, Scottish Government
  • Abby Campbell, Scottish Government
  • Nigel Robinson, Scottish Government
  • Michela Black, Scottish Government
  • Holly Abercrombie, Scottish Government
  • Pauline Bernie, Scottish Government 
  • Kay Sandilands, NHS Lanarkshire
  • Alistair Reid, Healthcare Improvement Scotland (HIS)
  • Karen Wilson, NHS Education for Scotland (NES)
  • Joan Pollard, Scottish Directors of AHPs (SDAHP)
  • Fiona Coutts, Academic Heads
  • Jamie Hunt, The Health and Care Professions Council (HCPC)
  • Alison Keir, Allied Health Professions Federation Scotland (AHPFS)
  • Diane Dickson, Glasgow Caledonian University 
  • David Wylie, NHS Education for Scotland (NES)


  • Jess McPherson, Scottish Government
  • Anne Wallace, Scottish Government
  • Anita Simmers, Council of Deans of Health
  • Rebecca Wright, Scottish Government
  • Lyndsay Turner, Scottish Government
  • Duncan Condie, Scottish Funding Council (SFC)

Items and actions

Welcome and action points from previous meeting

Virtual introductions were made for all those attending.  It was noted that the minutes of the previous National AHP Strategic Oversight Group meeting held on 24 February 2022  were agreed and will be published.

Update on previously agreed action points:

  • members to make us aware of anyone else that they work with that maybe better placed to attend certain meetings to share their knowledge and expertise – closed 
  • slides to be shared with group - complete    
  • most recent TOR to be shared with group and group to sign off - in progress
  • to agree that relevant papers to be sent as required to support key areas of focus - ongoing     
  • group to nominate themselves or others to join/chair the subgroups - received and finalising membership. Anyone who would still like to submit can do so for the Research Innovation and Relationships Subgroup
  • secretariat to link in with Fiona Coutts and Anita Simmers  about student representation – complete, highlight report will be shared
  • agree next meeting date - complete    

Action points:

  • list of subgroups to be added to the meeting 0 minutes
  • members to let secretariat know if they are content to have their name and organisation on the website page. Deadline – 10th May 2022

Purpose and background of the oversight group

The output of the Review is to produce a report for Scottish Ministers that outlines recommendations that should be taken forward. It will be the role of this group to identify, agree and explore key areas of focus, and to consider what the recommendation should be in relation to those.

Terms of reference (TOR) – agreement and sign off

The timeline for the review has been updated on the TOR. The review is to be completed with high level recommendations provided by mid November 2022, advice will be sent to the Cabinet Secretary for approval by the end November 2022 and an implementation plan will be published thereafter.

It was noted that not all subgroups need to work to the same timeline and some may be finished earlier. 

Action points:

  • list of subgroups and membership to be added to the TOR
  • TOR to be signed off virtually – 10th May 2022


A summary from The Workforce and Recruitment subgroup meeting held on 7 April was presented to the group and the highlight report from this meeting was shared. The subgroup discussed the driver diagram for this group with an initial version shared for comment. NHS Education Scotland (NES) provided a presentation on AHP Workforce Planning – the role and value of NES. 

SG Officials advised that in addition to the TOR and driver diagrams, highlight reports and SBARs for each subgroup are being created, all information in relation to the review will be included within this document. 

Student representative focus groups have been carried out, with the intention to hold a further session. A highlight report will be shared on the progress and outcomes from these discussions.

Action points:

  • group to be sent subgroup membership lists – to be included within the Oversight TOR
  • volunteers to be sent to secretariat for the Research Innovation and Relationships Subgroup. Deadline – 10th May 2022
  • TOR for the Research Innovation and Relationships Subgroup to be sent to group to inform membership
  • SBARs for subgroups to be shared when ready
  • secretariat to look at options for sharing documentation 

Workforce strategy 

The workforce strategy sets out:

  • the changing demands on Health and Social Care and our workforce
  • the workforce vision, values and principles
  • the five pillars of the workforce journey:

o    plan
o    attract
o    train
o    employ
o    nurture

It was agreed that these pillars are a good starting point to inform a strategic link and actions will be developed around these, sub group Chairs also agreed that they will focus on these within their sub groups.

Presentation – Equity for All 

Pauline Bernie, Professional Advisor for Children and Young People in Scottish Government, provided a presentation on the Equity for All paper.

It was noted that this is part of a cultural change about how AHPs view themselves and their work. The group discussed how this highlights how it isn’t just about getting people into services, but more about getting people into the right places where they are really needed. The subgroups will feed this into their work and feedback to the oversight group. 


The next meetings are scheduled for 16 June, 2pm – 4pm and 11th August, 2pm – 4pm.

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