Allied Health Professions Education and Workforce Policy Review: Practice Based Learning Subgroup minutes: August 2022

Minutes from the meeting of the subgroup on 4 August 2022.

Attendees and apologies

  • Alison Keir, Allied Health Professions Federation Scotland (AHPFS) 
  • Dr Margot McBride, Allied Health Professions Federation Scotland (AHPFS) 
  • Anita Vokert, Glasgow Caledonian University 
  • Elizabeth Anne McKay, Edinburgh Napier University
  • Jane Dudgeon, NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde 
  • Ailidh Hunter, NHS Education for Scotland (NES) 
  • Nicola Richardson, Scottish Directors of AHPs (SDAHP)
  • Fiona Coutts, Queen Margaret University 
  • Donna Wynne, Robert Gordon University
  • Amanda Wong, Scottish Directors of AHPs (SDAHP)
  • Julie King, Allied Health Professions Federation Scotland (AHPFS)
  • Sean Torrens, Scottish Government
  • Anne Wallace, Scottish Government
  • Abby Campbell, Scottish Government 


  • Sarah Goudie, NHS Highland
  • Karin Massie, NHS Education for Scotland (NES)
  • Alison Moore, Scottish Government

Items and actions

Review of actions and note of last meeting

It was noted that the minutes of the previous practice based learning meeting held on 30 June 2022 were agreed and will be published.

Update on previously agreed action points:

  • any other business is to be sent in advance of future meetings - complete
  • members to inform the secretariat of any proposed changes to the terms of reference (TOR) - complete
  • Scottish Government (SG) officials to draft a driver diagram for the subgroup based on discussions - complete
  • NHS Education Scotland (NES) Presentation to be shared with the group - complete

NES noted that it would be useful for the notes within their PowerPoint presentation to be accessible within objective connect. SG officials agreed to investigate. 

Terms of reference (TOR)

The TOR was updated and approved following discussions at the meeting held on 31 May 2022.

It was suggested that the meeting frequency section be updated to be the first Thursday of every calendar month until October. Members requested that an option be left open for one additional meeting. 

Secondary drivers and change ideas/actions: jamboard

The group reviewed and discussed the initial driver diagram, agreement was made that SG officials will review and reissue the driver diagram. 

It was agreed that the jamboard would be left open until close of play 8 August 2022 to allow members to write suggestions for a primary driver on workforce development.  

Any other business

The group discussed two possible subgroups being created to begin looking at recommendations due to the group’s tight timeline. 

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