
Allied Health Professions - education and workforce policy review: recommendations

Allied Health Professions education and workforce policy review recommendations, message from Chief Allied Health Professions Officer for Scotland and next steps.

2. Message on behalf of Professor Carolyn McDonald, Chief Allied Health Professions Officer

I want to thank everyone who has engaged with the AHP Education and Workforce Review for their hard work getting us to this position. Thank you to all chairs of the subgroups and the broad range of strategic stakeholders who brought invaluable knowledge and expertise to this work. I know that the work carried out, in addition to your day jobs, has been incredible and without your commitment and participation, we would not have been able to reach this milestone of producing the well-received range of recommendations.

I am delighted that the Cabinet Secretary has agreed the recommendations and am encouraged by his ask for us to work at pace on an implementation plan. The policy team will now develop this to outline the timescales and actions necessary to deliver on the review's recommendations and it is likely that we will call on members of this group to assist us with that work.

What I now ask of you, is a commitment to show your leadership in relation to these recommendations. You are in the best position to promote them, to lead by example and continue to collaborate with Scottish Government officials and others to implement them. Your continued support in the next crucial stage towards implementation is paramount to successfully see the changes we know will make a difference.

I want to reiterate my thanks again to all of you and for your hard work during this review. We really could not have done it without each and every one of you.



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