Fishing quota - additional allocation from 2024: island communities impact assessment

Impact assessment for the allocation of Additional Quota in relation to island communities.

Step Three - Consultation

Previous engagements

There has been previous engagement with: Fish Producers’ Organisations and Quota Management Groups, Regional Inshore Fishery Groups, Island Fishermen’s Associations, Scottish Creel Fishermen’s Federation, eNGOs.

Additional Quota Consultation

A consultation was hosted on the Scottish Government consultations website, informing stakeholders in advance. The consultation opened on 19 October 2023 and closed on 11 January 2024.

Stakeholders were asked to consider the potential impact of the options presented in the consultation, with reference to their answers contributing to our impact assessments.

To raise awareness of the content of the consultation a number of engagement sessions were held virtually between sectoral groups, fishing representative bodies, non-sector fishing interests and environmental NGOs. 91 responses were received including island-connected businesses, community groups and local authority groups.



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