
Bird stomach contents analysis - final report: Goosander and Cormorant diet on four Scottish rivers 2019 to 2020

This study analysed the stomach contents of goosanders and cormorants collected from the Rivers Tweed, Dee, Nith and Spey during 2019 and 2020 in order to to assess whether there was evidence of substantial changes in the diets of these species of fish-eating birds since the 1990s.

Appendix 3: Chronology and locations of samples received

In the present study, the collection period of the birds was different among rivers. It is useful to have full information on exactly when the birds were sampled. For example although samples taken in "March-May" could cover 31st March and 1st May or 1st March to 31st May – an important temporal difference. Although potential analysis is limited, such information could be important when making comparisons between rivers and when trying to put findings in the context of the smolt run for instance. Similarly, location information is important, and so it is useful to have information on exactly where in the different catchments the birds were sampled.

Date and location details (beats are named in bold and locations within them, if given, are in parenthesis) of all birds examined are provided in this Appendix, which covers:

(a) The smolt run period - effectively "spring 2019", which ran from 1st March 2019 to 31 May 2019, and

(b) Other times of year – effectively the following "autumn-winter 2019/20", which ran from 1st September 2019 to 29 February 2020.

Throughout, "empty" birds with no food in their stomachs are indicated by *.

(a) Samples from the smolt run period, 2019

During spring 2019, Goosanders from the R. Dee were collected from Lower Crathes, Woodend, Commonty (Cattie Burn), Sluie, Borrowston (Sands Pool), Dess, and Crathie (Polmonier). Goosanders from the R. Nith came from Cowhill, Blackwood (including Auld girth), Barjarg (including Cleughfoot), Buccleuch, and Upper Nithsdale (Dalpeddar). Goosanders from the R. Tweed were sampled from the Lees, Lower Floors, Markestoun, Rutherford, and Bemersyde. Those from the R. Spey were sampled at Easter Echlies (including Orn's Beat and Inverfiddich), Pitchroy, Ballindalloch Tulchan (B and D), and Castle Grant.

No Cormorants were sampled on the R. Dee in spring 2019. Birds from the R. Nith were taken from Cowhill, Boatford (Newhole), Buccleuch (Lower) (Doctor's Pool), and Buccleuch (Mid) (Whitehill). Cormorants from the R. Tweed came from the Lees, Rutherford, and Bemersyde, and the single Cormorant available from the Spey came from Kinchurdy.

(1a) R. Dee Goosanders (N = 20)

06 March - Lower Crathes

22 March - Lower Crathes

26 March - Lower Crathes

29 March - Lower Woodend

02 April - Lower Crathes*

02 April - Lower Crathes

02 April - Polmonier, Crathie

06 April - Sluie

09 April - Sluie

10 April - Dess, Rossachs Pool

17 April - Woodend

17 April - Sluie

18 April - Borrowston, Sands Pool

23 April - Cattie Burn/Commonty

25 April - Woodend

25 April - Sluie

29 April - Lower Crathes

01 May - Lower Crathes

01 May - Lower Crathes

02 May - Dess

The R. Dee 2019 'smolt run' Goosanders were sampled during a 7-week period from the third week of March to the last week of April/first few days of May, except for a single bird from the first week of March (see Figure AP3.1).

Figure AP3.1: The number of R. Dee Goosanders collected each week during the 2019 smolt run period.
Bar chart of the number of River Dee Goosanders collected each week during the 2019 smolt run period.

The R. Dee 2019 smolt run period Goosanders were sampled from seven beats, most birds (15/20 = 75%) coming from just three of these: Lower Crathes, Sluie, and Woodend. Apart from the Polmonier bird, all Goosanders were sampled on the stretch between Banchory and Aboyne (Table AP3.1).

Table AP3.1: The numbers (%) of Goosanders sampled on various beats on the R. Dee, in the 2019 smolt run period.
Beat Goosanders sampled
No. (%)
Lower Crathes 8 40
Woodend 3 15
Cattie Burn/Commonty 1 5
Borrowston/Sands Pool 1 5
Sluie 4 20
Dess 2 10
Polmonier, Crathie 1 5
Total 20 -

(2a) R. Nith Goosanders (N = 15)

05 April - Buccleuch

16 April - Cowhill

16 April - Cleughfoot, Barjarg

18 April - Dalpeddar

18 April - Cowhill

24 April - Dalpeddar

24 April - Dalpeddar

24 April - Auldgirth

24 April - Cleughfoot, Barjarg

26 April - Blackwood

30 April - Blackwood

08 May - Buccleuch*

08 May - Buccleuch

08 May - Blackwood

22 May - Cleughfoot, Barjarg*

Most R. Nith 2019 'smolt run' Goosanders were sampled during a 4-week period from mid-April to the first week of May, except for single birds from the first week of April and from the third week of May (see Figure AP3.2).

The R. Nith 2019 'smolt run' Goosanders were sampled from six beats, 4 of these produced 3 (20%) birds each, a fifth produced two birds (13%), and the sixth a single bird (7%, Table AP3.2).

Figure AP3.2: The number of R. Nith Goosanders collected each week during the 2019 smolt run period.
Bar chart of the number of River Nith Goosanders collected each week during the 2019 smolt run period.
Table AP3.2: The numbers (%) of Goosanders sampled on various beats on the R. Nith, in the 2019 smolt run period.
Beat Goosanders sampled
No. (%)
Buccleuch 3 20
Cowhill 2 13
Cleughfoot/Barjarg 3 20
Dalpeddar 3 20
Auldgirth 1 7
Blackwood 3 20
Total 15 -

(3a) R. Tweed Goosanders (N = 14)

03 April - Lower Floors

04 April - Lower Floors

12 April - Rutherford*

15 April - Lower Floors

15 April - Markestoun

16 April - Lower Floors

30 April - Lower Floors

30 April - The Lees

01 May - Lower Floors

03 May - Bemersyde

24 May - Lower Floors

25 May - Lower Floors*

29 May - Lower Floors

31 May - Lower Floors

The R. Tweed 2019 smolt run period, Goosanders were sampled in four periods: the first few days of April, the third week of April, the last week of April/first few days of May, and over the last two weeks of May (see Figure AP3.3).

Figure AP3.3: The number of R. Tweed Goosanders collected each week during the 2019 smolt run period.
Bar chart of the number of River Tweed Goosanders collected each week during the 2019 smolt run period.

The R. Tweed 2019 smolt run period Goosanders were sampled from five beats, most birds (10/14 = 71%) coming from just one of these (Lower Floors), and single birds coming from each of four others (Table AP3.3).

Table AP3.3: The numbers (%) of Goosanders sampled on various beats on the R. Tweed, in the 2019 smolt run period.
Beat Goosanders sampled
No. (%)
The Lees 1 7
Lower Floors 10 71
Rutherford 1 7
Markerstoun 1 7
Bemersyde 1 7
Total 14 -

(4a) R. Spey Goosanders (N = 15), 2019

08 March - Easter Echlies

26 March - Orn's Beat

01 April - Ballindalloch*

01 April - Ballindalloch

03 April - Tulchan D*

09 April - Ballindalloch

11 April - Tulchan B

11 April - Lower Pitchroy

11 April - Inverfiddich

13 April - Tulchan B

15 April - Lower Pitchroy

24 April - Ballindalloch

25 April - Castle Grant

25 April - Castle Grant

29 April - Castle Grant

The R. Spey 2019 smolt run period Goosanders were sampled during a 6-week period from the last week of March to the last week of April/first few days of May, except for a single bird from the first week of March (see Figure AP3.4).

Figure AP3.4: The number of R. Spey Goosanders collected each week during the 2019 smolt run period.
Bar chart of the number of River Spey Goosanders collected each week during the 2019 smolt run period.

The R. Spey 2019 smolt run period Goosanders were sampled from seven beats, most birds (10/15 = 67%) coming from three of these, and 1-2 birds coming from each of four others (Table AP3.4).

Table AP3.4: The numbers (%) of Goosanders sampled on various beats on the R. Spey, in the 2019 smolt run period.
Beat Goosanders sampled
No. (%)
Easter Echlies 1 7
Orn's Beat 1 7
Balindalloch 4 27
Tulchan 3 20
Lower Pitchroy 2 13
Inverfiddich 1 7
Castle Grant 3 20
Total 15 -

(5a) R. Dee Cormorants (None)

No Cormorants sampled from the R. Dee during the 2019 smolt run period.

(6a) R. Nith Cormorants (N= 6)

20 March - Cowhill*

20 March - Cowhill* … … likely regurgitated

04 April - Newhole, Buccleuch

05 April - Doctor's Pool, Buccleuch

11 April - Cowhill*

26 April - White Hill, Buccleuch

The R. Nith smolt run period Cormorants were sampled during the third week of March (2 birds), the first and second weeks of April (2 birds and a single, respectively), and another single bird during the penultimate week of April. These Cormorants were sampled from four beats, three birds from Cowhill and three each from a different stretches of Buccleuch water.

(7a) R. Tweed Cormorants (N = 9)

02 April - The Lees

11 April - Bemersyde

23 May - Rutherford*

23 May - Rutherford

24 May - Rutherford*

24 May - Rutherford

24 May - Rutherford

24 May - Rutherford

28 May - Rutherford*

Most (7/9 = 78%) of the R. Tweed smolt run period Cormorants were sampled during the last two weeks of May, with single birds collected five weeks earlier - in each of the first two weeks of April. These Cormorants were sampled from three beats, most birds (7/9 = 78%) coming from a single beat, with single birds collected in each of the two other beats.

(8a) R. Spey Cormorants (N = 1)

The single Cormorant sampled from the R. Spey during the smolt run period came from Kinchurdy during the first week of April.

In summary for the smolt run period 2019, Goosanders were sampled on the Dee over quite a protracted period of over seven weeks with 75% of birds coming from three beats (Lower Crathes, Sluie, Woodend). Those from the Nith were sampled mainly in a 4-week period, spread mostly across four beats (Blackwood, Buccleuch, Dalpeddar, Cleughfoot/Barjarg). Goosanders on the Tweed were sampled on separate weeks in April and the last fortnight in May, 71% of them from a single beat (Lower Floors). On the Spey, Goosanders were sampled over quite a protracted period of over six weeks from March - but concentrated in April - with 67% of birds coming from three beats (Balindalloch, Tulchan, Castle Grant). Nith Cormorants showed quite disparate sampling, from two beats/estates (Cowhill, Buccleuch) and most Cormorants from the Tweed were sampled on 3 days in May, 78% came from a single beat (Rutherford).

Overall, samples from the smolt run period appeared to either be spread over the season (Dee, Spey) or concentrated in a few weeks (Nith, Tweed). Very often, a large proportion of birds came from a relatively small number of beats. In general, samples during the smolt run period were dominated by Goosanders (full samples collected on all four rivers), with few Cormorants being collected (predominantly from the Tweed and Nith, although full samples were not collected on any of the rivers).

(b) Samples from the autumn-winter period, 2019/20

During the autumn winter 2019/20, Goosanders from the R. Dee were collected from Lower Crathes (including Greenbanks). Goosanders from the R. Nith came from Dalswinton, Blackwood, Boatford (including Kirkbog), Buccleuch, and Buccleuch (Mid) (including Whitehill). Goosanders from the R. Tweed were sampled from the Lees, Hendersyde, Lower Floors, Markestoun (Upper and Lower), Middle Mertoun, and Bemersyde. Those from the R. Spey were sampled at Low Water (Groynes), Arndilly, Easter Elchies, Pitchroy, and a single bird had no location provided.

Cormorants from the R. Dee were collected from only Lower Crathes. Cormorants from the R. Nith came from Cowhill, Blackwood, Boatford (Kirkbog), and Buccleuch (Mid) (Whitehill). Cormorants from the R. Tweed were sampled from Ladykirk, the Lees, Hendersyde, Lower Floors, Rutherford, Middle Mertoun, and Bemersyde. Those from the R. Spey were sampled at Brae Water (including Intake, Beat 5, Flats Pool), Delfur, Arndilly, Easter Elchies (including Inverfiddich), Knockando Tulchan (D), and Kinchurdy.

(1b) R. Dee Goosanders (N = 2)

22 Nov - Crathes, Greenbanks

25 Nov - Lower Crathes

On the R. Dee, only two Goosanders were sampled during the autumn-winter. These birds were collected over a 4-day period in late November and both came from the Crathes beat on the lower river.

(2b) R. Nith Goosanders (N = 10)

13 Oct - Blackwood

08 Nov - Whitehill, Buccleuch

08 Nov - Whitehill, Buccleuch

15 Nov - Dalswinton

20 Nov - Kirkbog

20 Nov - Boatford

22 Jan - Blackwood

28 Jan - Dalswinton

03 Feb - Blackwood

04 Feb - Buccleuch

On the R. Nith, only ten Goosanders were sampled during the autumn-winter in two main periods. The first was a 3-week period throughout November 2019, the second a 3-week period covering the last two weeks of January and the first week of February 2020. In addition, a single Goosander was sampled in the first half of October 2019 (Figure AP3.5).

Figure AP3.5: The number of R. Nith Goosanders collected each week during the autumn-winter period 2019/20.
Bar chart of the number of River Nith Goosanders collected each week during the autumn-winter period 2019/20.

Goosanders from the R. Nith in autumn-winter were sampled from six beats, one of these produced three (30%) birds, two others produced two birds (20%) each, and the remaining three beats a single bird (10% each (Table AP3.5).

Table AP3.5: The numbers (%) of Goosanders sampled on various beats on the R. Nith, in the autumn-winter period 2019/20.
Beat Goosanders sampled
No. (%)
Blackwood 3 30
Whitehill, Buccleuch 2 20
Dalswinton 2 20
Kirkbog 1 10
Boatford 1 10
Buccleuch 1 10
Total 10 -

(3b) R. Tweed Goosanders (N = 24)

09 Sep - M. Mertoun

09 Sep - M. Mertoun

20 Sep - U. Markestoun

23 Sep - M. Mertoun

23 Sep - M. Mertoun

03 Oct - Hendersyde

04 Oct - Bemersyde

14 Oct - U. Markestoun

14 Oct - The Lees

17 Oct - U. Markestoun

22 Oct - L. Floors

24 Oct - L. Markestoun

25 Oct - L. Floors

05 Nov - L. Floors

06 Nov - Hendersyde

08 Nov - Hendersyde

09 Nov - L. Markestoun

10 Nov - Bemersyde

10 Nov - Bemersyde

11 Nov - Bemersyde

19 Nov - Bemersyde

20 Nov - Bemersyde

20 Nov - Bemersyde

28 Nov - L. Floors

On the R. Tweed, some 24 Goosanders were sampled in three periods during autumn 2019. Samples were taken throughout September and the first few days of October (29%), during the middle two weeks of October (25%), and throughout November (46%, Figure AP3.6).

Figure AP3.6: The number of R. Tweed Goosanders collected each week during the autumn- winter period 2019/20.
Bar chart of the number of River Tweed Goosanders collected each week during the autumn- winter period 2019/20.

Goosanders from the R. Tweed in the autumn were sampled from seven beats. About a third of birds (29%) came from Bemersyde, and a fifth of them (20%) from Markestoun, and slightly fewer (17% each) from M. Mertoun and L. Floors. Three Goosanders came from Hendersyde, and a single one from Lees (Table AP3.6).

Table AP3.6: The numbers (%) of Goosanders sampled on various beats on the R. Tweed, in the autumn-winter period 2019/20.
Beat Goosanders sampled
No. (%)
M. Mertoun 4 17
U. Markestoun 3 12
Hendersyde 3 12
Bemersyde 7 29
The Lees 1 4
L. Floors 4 17
L. Markestoun 2 8
Total 24 -

(4b) R. Spey Goosanders (N = 8)

11 Sep - Pitchroy

03 Oct - Arndilly

03 Oct - Arndilly

14 Oct - L. Pitchroy*

29 Nov - Arndilly

04 Dec - No location

18 Dec - East Elchies

19 Dec - Groynes

On the R. Spey, only eight Goosanders were sampled during the autumn-winter period. Birds came from the first half of September (single bird), the first half of October (three birds), the end of November and beginning of December (two birds), and the week before Christmas (two birds, Figure AP3.7).

Figure AP3.7: The number of R. Spey Goosanders collected each week during the autumn-winter period 2019/20.
Bar chart of the number of River Spey Goosanders collected each week during the autumn-winter period 2019/20.

Goosanders from the R. Spey in autumn-winter were sampled from at least four beats (the location of one bird was not given). About a third of birds (38%) came from Arndilly, a quarter of them (20%) from Pitchroy, and single birds came from each of the remaining beats (Table AP3.7).

Table AP3.7: The numbers (%) of Goosanders sampled on various beats on the R. Tweed, in the autumn-winter period 2019/20.
Beat Goosanders sampled
No. (%)
Pitchroy 2 25
Arndilly 3 38
Easter Elchies 1 12
Groynes 1 12
No location given 1 12
Total 8 -

(5b) R. Dee Cormorants (N = 4)

2 Dec - L. Crathes

3 Dec - L. Crathes*

05 Dec - L. Crathes

20 Jan - L. Crathes

Small numbers of R. Dee Cormorants were sampled in autumn-winter, most (three birds, 75%) in the first week of December 2019, and a fourth bird (25%) in the second half of January 2020. All birds came from the Crathes beat on the lower river.

(6b) R. Nith Cormorants (N = 12)

08 Nov - Kirkbog

12 Nov - Kirkbog

12 Nov - Kirkbog

15 Nov - Whitehill, Buccleuch

20 Nov - Boatford

21 Nov - Kirkbog

03 Dec - Kirkbog

19 Jan - Cowhill

19 Jan - Cowhill

23 Jan - Blackwood

28 Jan - Cowhill

13 Feb - Cowhill

On the R. Nith, 12 Cormorants were sampled during the autumn-winter, in two main periods. The first covered the first three weeks of November (6 birds, 50%) plus a single bird (8%) from the first week of December 2019, the second covered the last three weeks of January 2020 (4 birds, 33%) plus a single bird (8%) around mid-February 2020 (Figure AP3.8).

Figure AP3.8: The number of R. Nith Cormorants collected each week during the autumn-winter period 2019/20.
Bar chart of the number of River Nith Cormorants collected each week during the autumn-winter period 2019/20.

Cormorants from the R. Nith in autumn-winter were sampled from at least four beats. Just under half of birds (42%) came from Kirkbog, a third of them (33%) from Cowhill, two birds (16%) from Buccleuch, and a single one from Blackwood (Table AP3.8).

Table AP3.8: The numbers (%) of Cormorants sampled on various beats on the R. Nith, in the autumn-winter period (2019-20).
Beat Goosanders sampled
No. (%)
Kirkbog 5 42
Whitehill, Buccleuch 1 8
Boatford 1 8
Cowhill 4 33
Blackwood 1 8
Total 12 -

(7b) R. Tweed Cormorants (N = 27)

10 Sep - L. Floors

20 Sep - L. Floors

21 Sep - The Lees

23 Sep - Hendersyde

25 Sep - L. Foors

25 Sep - Rutherford

02 Oct - Lady Kirk

05 Oct - L. Floors

15 Oct - L. Floors*

15 Oct - M. Mertoun

20 Oct - Hendersyde

22 Oct - M. Mertoun

22 Oct - M. Mertoun

22 Oct - Rutherford

23 Oct - L. Floors

23 Oct - L. Floors

23 Oct - L. Floors

23 Oct - L. Floors*

24 Oct - L. Floors

24 Oct - L. Floors

25 Oct - L. Floors

31 Oct - The Lees

01 Nov - Rutherford

06 Nov - Bemersyde

19 Nov - Rutherford

19 Nov - Rutherford

19 Nov - Rutherford

On the R. Tweed, 27 Cormorants were sampled throughout autumn 2019. Most of these birds (16 birds, 59%) were sampled throughout October, and the remaining six birds (22%) in September (mostly toward the end of the month). A further five birds (19%) came from the first three weeks of November 2019 (Figure AP3.9).

Figure AP3.9: The number of R. Tweed Cormorants collected each week during the autumn-winter period 2019/20.
Bar chart of the number of River Tweed Cormorants collected each week during the autumn- winter period 2019/20.

Cormorants from the R. Tweed in the autumn were sampled from seven beats. Just under half of the 27 birds (44%) came from L. Floors, and just under a quarter of them (22%) from Rutherford, three birds (11%) from M. Mertoun, two (7%) each from Lees and Hendersyde, and a single bird (4%) from Bemersyde (Table AP3.9).

Table AP3.9: The numbers (%) of Cormorants sampled on various beats on the R. Tweed, in the autumn-winter period 2019/20.
Beat Goosanders sampled
No. (%)
L. Floors 12 44
Lees 2 7
Hendersyde 2 7
Rutherford 6 22
Lady Kirk 1 4
M. Mertoun 3 11
Bemersyde 1 4
Total 27 -

(8b) R. Spey Cormorants (N = 13)

04 Dec - Knockano*

04 Dec - Arndilly

05 Dec - Delfur

19 Dec - Intake

06 Jan - Arndilly*

07 Jan - Arndilly

14 Jan - Inverfiddich*

04 Feb - Tulchan D

04 Feb - Tulchan D

07 Feb - Beat 5*

13 Feb - Kinchurdy

13 Feb - Easter Elchies*

24 Feb - Flats Pool

On the R. Spey, Cormorants were sampled throughout the winter. Four birds (31%) were taken in the first three weeks of December 2019, three birds (23%) in the first half of January 2020, with most (6 birds, 46%) being sampled throughout February 2020 (Figure AP3.10).

Figure AP3.10: The number of R. Spey Cormorants collected each week during the autumn- winter period 2019/20.
Bar chart of the number of R. Spey Cormorants collected each week during the autumn- winter period 2019/20.

Cormorants from the R. Spey in the winter were sampled from ten beats. Three birds (23%) came from Delfur and two (15%) from Tulchan D. The remaining eight beats each provided a single bird (Table AP3.10).

Table AP3.10: The numbers (%) of Cormorants sampled on various beats on the R. Spey, in the autumn-winter period 2019/20.
Beat Goosanders sampled
No. (%)
Knockando 1 8
Arndilly 3 23
Delfur 1 8
Intake 1 8
Inverfiddich 1 8
Tulchan D 2 15
Beat 5 1 8
Kinchurdy 1 8
Easter Elchies 1 8
Flats Pool 1 8
Total 13 -

In summary for the autumn-winter 2019/20 period, only two Goosanders were sampled on the Dee, both in the autumn in last ten days of November on the lower river (Greenbanks and Lower Crathes). Those from the Nith were also a small sample (10 birds) sampled in two three-week periods throughout the autumn-winter: the first in November and the second between the end of January and first week in February. Samples were collected from up to six beats, but mostly from Blackwood, Whitehill Buccleuch, and Dalswinton). A full sample of Goosanders (n = 24) from the Tweed were sampled in three periods during the autumn: throughout September and the first few days of October, during the middle two weeks of October, and throughout November. Samples came from seven beats, but most came from Bemersyde, Lower Floors, and M Mertoun). On the Spey, only a small number of Goosanders (n = 8) were sampled over quite a protracted period during the autumn-winter: 1-2 birds being shot a week during six weeks between September and December. Birds came from at least four beats, with most (N = 5) from Arndilly and Pitchroy.

Small numbers of Cormorants (N = 4) were sampled on the Dee in the winter, three in the first week of December and the fourth in late January. All birds came from a single beat (Lower Crathes) in the lower river. A full sample of Nith Cormorants (N = 12) was collected in two main periods throughout the autumn-winter: seven birds from Kirkbog and Buccleuch throughout November and the first few days of December, and five birds from Cowhill and Blackwood from mid-January to mid-February. There was a large sample of Cormorants (N = 27) from the Tweed, all sampled in the autumn. Several birds were sampled throughout September and the first three weeks of November, but the majority were collected throughout October. Cormorants were sampled on seven Tweed beats but over three-quarters of the Cormorants came from Lower Floors, Rutherford, and M. Mertoun. A full sample of Cormorants (N = 13) was collected on the Spey in the winter with several birds in December, a few in January, and the largest number in February. Sampling appeared to be relatively widespread compared to the other rivers, with small numbers of birds (no more than three) coming from ten Nith beats.

Overall, samples from the autumn-winter period appeared to either be spread over the sampling period (Nith, Spey) or sampled in the autumn (Tweed). Very often, a large proportion of birds came from a relatively small number of beats. In general, the autumn-winter samples of Goosanders were small on all rivers except the Tweed, and considerably more Cormorants were sampled in the autumn-winter period than were in the preceding smolt run period. Full samples of Cormorants were collected on all rivers except the Dee, although those on the Spey were compromised by a high proportion (42%) of empty stomachs without food.



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