
Gender Representation on Public Boards (Scotland) Act 2018 implementation: consultation analysis

This report presents the main messages arising from the consultation on the implementation of the Gender Representation on Public Boards (Scotland) Act 2018 (the Act).

Appendix C - Question 8 – Other Comments Provided

  • Narrative on progress towards meeting the gender representation objective –could include comparision with the private sector in Scotland, with public authorities in the UK.
  • Ways in which the reports will inform national strategy (e.g. addressing occupational segregation).
  • A (+/-) differentiated analysis of Board changes so improvements are noted and equally when Boards lose women and don't replace positions with women.
  • Some analysis of the reasons for women leaving/standing down from Boards
  • Analysis to show when and what vacancy opportunities have arisen for equal representation to be acted on.
  • Number of vacancies advertised, categorised by size of board (less than 5 members, 6-10, 11-15...) - Number of applicants applied, % of which were woman; Number asked for interview, % of which were women; Number of appointees, % of which were woman; Make up of board/appointees after appointment; Change of male:female ratio.
  • Examples of measures introduced under s.5 and s6 of the Act.
  • Other voluntary measures not required by the Act to improve diversity on public boards, which may not be covered by the gender representation objective (e.g. specific programmes run to target the representation of BME women.)
  • Public body compliance with guidance produced under s.7 of the Act.
  • Measures introduced at the national level to improve diversity of applicants (e.g. national training programmes or model application processes).
  • Information from third parties such as the third sector and/or women with experience of particular board appointment measures.
  • Other measures or information regarding gender equality at all levels of public agencies, including recruitment, training and promotion of staff members.
  • The report must detail what information has been collected, how it has been collected and must set the information with the context of representation prior to the implementation of the Act. Public bodies and ministers must demonstrate what they are doing to achieve the desired result and must address any failings identified in delivery together with they aim to address these. The operation of the Act cannot be a tick the box exercise nor can it be enough, for example, to send leaflets out.
  • Gender pay levels and gender pay gap.
  • The impact on women's rights.
  • Scottish Ministers should report on what steps they have taking, or are taking to ensure diversity in all public bodies, not just by gender but including other underrepresented groups.
  • Some flexibility needs to be retained, so that Government officials can consider the first tranche of reports from public authorities and appointed persons and then determine how best to structure their report with the benefit of those returns.
  • Name and function of the public body: The purpose of the Board; budget allocated to the public body; The allocated number of board members and tenure for appointments; The number of vacancies within the reporting period; The process for appointing; The gender profile of the board; The gender profile of applications and appointments; Evidence of fairness and reach of the attraction strategy; Mitigating factors if gender balance not achieved; Action being taken to create greater balance.



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