
Designation of a seal haul-out site in the Ythan Estuary: analysis of consultation responses

Analysis of responses to the consultation on the proposal to designate a seal haul-out site.


1. Method used to identify key seal haul-out sites in Scotland for designation under the Marine (Scotland) Act Section 117

2. List of Haul-Out Sites

3. Guidance on the Offence of Harassment offers information on what might constitute "harassment" in relation to seals on haul-out sites. The guidance is advisory only and is not binding on the criminal courts.

4. Consultation on Possible Designation of a Seal Haul-Out Site

5. The North shore is within the Forvie Nature Reserve (Forvie NNR) and access by the public is restricted by SNH between April and August each year to allow for tern's breeding season.

6. Guidance on the Offence of Harassment offers information on what might constitute "harassment" in relation to seals on haul-out sites. The guidance is advisory only and is not binding on the criminal courts.


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