
Timescales for adult carer support plans and young carer statements: consultation analysis

Analysis of the consultation on timescales for adult carer support plans and young carer statements for carers of terminally ill persons. This analysis will help inform the development of the terminal illness regulations under the Carers Act 2016.


1. The local authority for the area in which the cared-for person lives.

2. This is normally the local authority where the young carer lives but in special cases can be a health board or a grant-aided or independent school.

3. One of these responses is the national carer organisations (NCO) group response which includes multiple opinions and perspectives on the most appropriate time limit. The response overall has indicated 2 weeks as preferred but individuals comments sent to the NCOs vary.

4. One of these responses is the national carer organisation (NCO) group response which includes multiple opinions and perspectives on the most appropriate time limit. The response overall has indicated 2 weeks as preferred but individuals comments sent to the NCOs vary.



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