
Census 2011 equality results: analysis, part two

Publication bringing together relevant statistics from the census and other sources to paint a detailed picture of equality in Scotland.


This Scottish Government report adds value to equality data published on Scotland's Census website by the National Records of Scotland ( NRS) [1] . It brings together relevant data from the census and other sources to analyse equality in Scotland. It is designed to be used by policy makers to evidence policy, target services and help tackle discrimination.

This analysis focuses on the Scotland level 'cross-tab' equality tables released throughout 2014 by the National Records of Scotland ( NRS) and builds on the Scottish Government's 'Analysis of Equality Results from the 2011 Census' [2] , released on 14 th October 2014.

Structure of the Report

This paper examines the following census topic areas:

  • Labour Market;
  • Education;
  • Housing;
  • Transport.

And it is split in to the following chapters:

Chapter 1: Ethnicity

Chapter 2: Gypsy/Travellers

Chapter 3: Religion

Chapter 4A: Disability

Chapter 4B: British Sign Language (BSL) Users

Although these chapters provide the main focus for the analysis, other protected equality characteristics such as age and gender are also included. This paper focuses on national level results; however it may be possible to access equality data at lower levels of geography through the NRS Census website [3] .

Throughout the paper data labels have been added to the charts to aid interpretation. These show a value where there is enough space to do so. However where a proportion is less than 3 per cent it will generally not be displayed. The full range of figures and percentages are available in this report's accompanying excel tables.


Email: Poppy Wilson

Phone: 0300 244 4000 – Central Enquiry Unit

The Scottish Government
St Andrew's House
Regent Road

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