
Census 2011 equality results: analysis, part two

Publication bringing together relevant statistics from the census and other sources to paint a detailed picture of equality in Scotland.


1. See Annex C for a link to the census data tables.

2. Analysis of Equality Results from the 2011 Census

3. Scotland's Census website

4. See Annex A for a full list of shortened ethnic group terminology.

5. Figures presented are rounded to nearest thousand.

6. Annual Population Survey

7. Those defined as economically active are either employees, self-employed or unemployed, indicated in blue in the above chart. Students who were economically active have been included in the respective economic activity categories; therefore the 'Student' category on the chart includes only those students who were economically inactive.

8. Note this is a different age band from that used in ONS headline employment rate statistics (16-64)

9. Further information on the occupational classification used in the 2011 Census ( SOC2010) can be found at:

10. Further information on the industry classification used in the 2011 Census ( SIC2007) can be found at:

11. In this chart the 'Other Asian' group includes 'Chinese' and covers all Asian ethnic groups except 'Indian' and 'Pakistani'

12. For further information on the NS-SeC classification used in the 2011 Census can be found at:

13. In this chart the 'Other Asian' group includes 'Chinese' and covers all Asian ethnic groups except 'Indian' and 'Pakistani'

14. AB Higher and intermediate managerial/administrative/professional

C1 Supervisory, clerical, junior managerial/administrative/professional

C2 Skilled manual workers

D Semi-skilled and unskilled manual workers;

E On state benefit, unemployed, lowest grade workers

15. In this chart the 'Other Asian' group includes 'Chinese' and covers all Asian ethnic groups except 'Indian' and 'Pakistani'

16. In 2011, separate 'White: Polish' and 'White: Gypsy/Traveller' categories were added within the 'White' section. For comparability with 2001, these categories are included within the 'White: Other White' group in this chart.

17. In this chart the 'Other Asian' group covers all Asian ethnic groups except 'Indian', 'Pakistani', 'Chinese' and 'Bangladeshi'

18. In 2011 a separate 'Arab' category was added within the 'Other Ethnic Group' section. For comparability with 2001, the 'Arab' category has been included within 'Other Ethnic Group' in this chart.

19. Level 1 = 'O Grade, Standard Grade, Access 3 Cluster, Intermediate 1 or 2, GCSE, CSE, Senior Certificate or Equivalent; GSVQ Foundation or Intermediate, SVQ Level 1 or 2, SCOTVEC Module, City and Guilds Craft or equivalent; Other school qualifications not already mentioned (including foreign qualifications)'

Level 2 = ' SCE Higher Grade, Higher, Advanced Higher, CSYS, A Level, AS Level, Advanced Senior Certificate or equivalent; GSVQ Advanced, SVQ Level 3, ONC, OND, SCOTVEC National Diploma, City and Guilds Advanced Craft or equivalent'

Level 3 = ' HNC, HND, SVQ Level 4 or equivalent, Other post-school but pre-Higher Education qualifications not already mentioned (including foreign qualifications)'

Level 4 = 'Degree, Postgraduate Qualifications, Masters, PhD, SVQ Level 5 or equivalent; Professional Qualifications (for example, teaching, nursing, accountancy); Other Higher Education qualifications not already mentioned (including foreign qualifications)'

20. The census reported a higher level of people with no qualifications than the LFS/ APS, and this is thought to be due to the self-completion nature of the census and the lower level of coverage on the census of the many different qualifications people may hold.

21. Summary Statistics For Attainment, Leaver Destinations And Healthy Living, no. 4: 2014 Edition - Attainment and Leaver Destinations:

22. The 2011 Census tends to overestimate the level of those with low or no qualifications compared to the Annual Population Survey and Labour Force Survey. This is due to differences in mode of collection, context, coverage, questions asked and processing.

23. Within this category, less than 1 per cent of people were classed as living in a temporary structure (excluding 'White: Gypsy/Traveller' where the proportion was higher. See chapter 2).

24. Within this category, no more than 2 per cent of people were classed as living rent free.

25. This chart focuses on home ownership - it doesn't show change in the private rented and social rented sectors.

26. In 2011, separate 'White: Polish' and 'White: Gypsy/Traveller' categories were added within the 'White' section. For comparability with 2001, these categories are included within the 'White: Other White' group in this chart.

Also in 2011 a separate 'Arab' category was added within the 'Other Ethnic Group' section. For comparability with 2001, the 'Arab' category has been included within 'Other Ethnic Group'.

27. There are known quality issues around the tenure question in the 2011 Census, in relation to the recording of Council versus Housing Association Landlords.

This is explained more fully at

28. HRP - Household Reference Person

29. For an explanation of how occupancy rating is calculated see

30. HRP - Household Reference Person

31. In this chart the 'Other Asian' group covers all Asian ethnic groups except 'Indian', 'Pakistani', 'Bangladeshi' and 'Chinese'

32. 'Pakistani' and 'Indian' groups had a higher proportion of people in households with access to 3 or more cars or vans. It should be noted that people from minority ethnic groups were more likely to live in multi-family households. Therefore there may be more cars/vans per household because there are more families per household for these ethnic groups.

33. This includes both school children and university or college students

34. There are known quality issues around the number of people recorded as studying at home. For more details see

35. This includes both school children and university or college students

36. There are known quality issues around the number of people recorded as studying at home. For more details see

37. Those defined as economically active are either employees, self-employed or unemployed - shown in the chart in blue. Students who were economically active have been included in the respective economic activity categories; therefore the 'Student' category on the chart includes only those students who were economically inactive.

38. Further information on the occupational classification used in the 2011 Census ( SOC2010) can be found at:

39. Further information on the industry classification used in the 2011 Census ( SIC2007) can be found at:

40. Further information on the NS-SeC classification used in the 2011 Census can be found at:

41. AB Higher and intermediate managerial/administrative/professional

C1 Supervisory, clerical, junior managerial/administrative/professional

C2 Skilled manual workers

D Semi-skilled and unskilled manual workers;

E On state benefit, unemployed, lowest grade workers

42. The census reported a higher level of people with no qualifications than the LFS/ APS, and this is thought to be due to the self-completion nature of the census and the lower level of coverage on the census of the many different qualifications people may hold.

43. Level 1 = 'O Grade, Standard Grade, Access 3 Cluster, Intermediate 1 or 2, GCSE, CSE, Senior Certificate or Equivalent; GSVQ Foundation or Intermediate, SVQ Level 1 or 2, SCOTVEC Module, City and Guilds Craft or equivalent; Other school qualifications not already mentioned (including foreign qualifications)'

Level 2 = ' SCE Higher Grade, Higher, Advanced Higher, CSYS, A Level, AS Level, Advanced Senior Certificate or equivalent; GSVQ Advanced, SVQ Level 3, ONC, OND, SCOTVEC National Diploma, City and Guilds Advanced Craft or equivalent'

Level 3 = ' HNC, HND, SVQ Level 4 or equivalent, Other post-school but pre-Higher Education qualifications not already mentioned (including foreign qualifications)'

Level 4 = 'Degree, Postgraduate Qualifications, Masters, PhD, SVQ Level 5 or equivalent; Professional Qualifications (for example, teaching, nursing, accountancy); Other Higher Education qualifications not already mentioned (including foreign qualifications)'

44. Within the 'Private rented or living rent free' category, no more than 2 per cent of people were classed as living rent free.

45. This chart is based on HRPs. The proportion living in houses or bungalow is different to chart 1.13, which is based on all people in households.

46. There are known quality issues around the tenure question in the 2011 Census, in relation to the recording of Council versus Housing Association Landlords.

This is explained more fully at

47. For an explanation of how occupancy rating is calculated see

48. This includes both school children and university or college students

49. There are known data quality issues around the number of people recorded as studying at home. For more details see

50. This includes both school children and university or college students

51. There are known data quality issues around the number of people recorded as studying at home. For more details see

52. The question asked in England and Wales was 'What is your religion?'

53. Annual Population Survey

54. Those defined as economically active are either employees, self-employed or unemployed, indicated in blue in the above chart. Students who were economically active have been included in the respective economic activity categories; therefore the 'Student' category on the chart includes only those students who were economically inactive.

55. Further information on the occupational classification used in the 2011 Census ( SOC2010) can be found at:

56. Top 3 occupational groups includes: a) 'Managers, Directors and Senior Officials', b) 'Professionals' and c) 'Associate Professional and Technical occupations'

57. Further information on the industry classification used in the 2011 Census ( SIC2007) can be found at:

58. Further information on the NS-SeC classification used in the 2011 Census can be found at:

59. AB Higher and intermediate managerial/administrative/professional

C1 Supervisory, clerical, junior managerial/administrative/professional

C2 Skilled manual workers

D Semi-skilled and unskilled manual workers;

E On state benefit, unemployed, lowest grade workers

60. The census reported a higher level of people with no qualifications than the LFS/ APS, and this is thought to be due to the self-completion nature of the census and the lower level of coverage on the census of the many different qualifications people may hold.

61. Level 1 = 'O Grade, Standard Grade, Access 3 Cluster, Intermediate 1 or 2, GCSE, CSE, Senior Certificate or Equivalent; GSVQ Foundation or Intermediate, SVQ Level 1 or 2, SCOTVEC Module, City and Guilds Craft or equivalent; Other school qualifications not already mentioned (including foreign qualifications)'

Level 2 = ' SCE Higher Grade, Higher, Advanced Higher, CSYS, A Level, AS Level, Advanced Senior Certificate or equivalent; GSVQ Advanced, SVQ Level 3, ONC, OND, SCOTVEC National Diploma, City and Guilds Advanced Craft or equivalent'

Level 3 = ' HNC, HND, SVQ Level 4 or equivalent, Other post-school but pre-Higher Education qualifications not already mentioned (including foreign qualifications)'

Level 4 = 'Degree, Postgraduate Qualifications, Masters, PhD, SVQ Level 5 or equivalent; Professional Qualifications (for example, teaching, nursing, accountancy); Other Higher Education qualifications not already mentioned (including foreign qualifications)'

62. Within this category, no more than 2 per cent of people were classed as living rent free.

63. This chart focuses on home ownership - it doesn't show change in the private rented and social rented sectors.

64. Within the 'Flat or Temporary Structure' category, less than 1 per cent of people were classed as living in a temporary structure (excluding 'White: Gypsy/Traveller' where the proportion was higher. See chapter 2).

65. There are known quality issues around the tenure question in the 2011 Census, in relation to the recording of Council versus Housing Association Landlords.

This is explained more fully at

66. For an explanation of how occupancy rating is calculated see

67. This includes both school children and university or college students

68. There are known data quality issues around the number of people recorded as studying at home. For more details see

69. This includes both school children and university or college students

70. There are known data quality issues around the number of people recorded as studying at home. For more details see

71. Those defined as economically active are either employees, self-employed or unemployed, indicated in blue in the above chart. Students who were economically active have been included in the respective economic activity categories; therefore the 'Student' category on the chart includes only those students who were economically inactive.

72. Further information on the occupational classification used in the 2011 Census ( SOC2010) can be found at:

73. Further information on the industry classification used in the 2011 Census ( SIC2007) can be found at:

74. Further information on the NS-SeC classification used in the 2011 Census can be found at:

75. AB Higher and intermediate managerial/administrative/professional

C1 Supervisory, clerical, junior managerial/administrative/professional

C2 Skilled manual workers

D Semi-skilled and unskilled manual workers;

E On state benefit, unemployed, lowest grade workers

76.' Level 1 = 'O Grade, Standard Grade, Access 3 Cluster, Intermediate 1 or 2, GCSE, CSE, Senior Certificate or Equivalent; GSVQ Foundation or Intermediate, SVQ Level 1 or 2, SCOTVEC Module, City and Guilds Craft or equivalent; Other school qualifications not already mentioned (including foreign qualifications)'

Level 2 = ' SCE Higher Grade, Higher, Advanced Higher, CSYS, A Level, AS Level, Advanced Senior Certificate or equivalent; GSVQ Advanced, SVQ Level 3, ONC, OND, SCOTVEC National Diploma, City and Guilds Advanced Craft or equivalent'

Level 3 = ' HNC, HND, SVQ Level 4 or equivalent, Other post-school but pre-Higher Education qualifications not already mentioned (including foreign qualifications)'

Level 4 = 'Degree, Postgraduate Qualifications, Masters, PhD, SVQ Level 5 or equivalent; Professional Qualifications (for example, teaching, nursing, accountancy); Other Higher Education qualifications not already mentioned (including foreign qualifications)'

77. The census reported a higher level of people with no qualifications than the LFS/ APS, and this is thought to be due to the self-completion nature of the census and the lower level of coverage on the census of the many different qualifications people may hold.

78. Within the 'Flat or Temporary Structure' category, less than 1 per cent of people were classed as living in a temporary structure (excluding 'White: Gypsy/Traveller' where the proportion was higher. See chapter 2).

79. Within this category, no more than 2 per cent of people were classed as living rent free.

80. There are known quality issues around the tenure question in the 2011 Census, in relation to the recording of Council versus Housing Association Landlords.

This is explained more fully at

81. For an explanation of how occupancy rating is calculated see

82. FT - Full-Time Students

83. FT - Full-Time Students

84. This includes people who were working offshore, those with no fixed place of work, and people working outside of the UK.

85. This includes both school children and university or college students

86. There are known data quality issues around the number of people recorded as studying at home. For more details see

87. This includes both school children and university or college students

88. There are known data quality issues around the number of people recorded as studying at home. For more details see

89. Those defined as economically active are either employees, self-employed or unemployed, indicated in blue in the above chart. Students who were economically active have been included in the respective economic activity categories; therefore the 'Student' category on the chart includes only those students who were economically inactive.

90. Further information on the occupational classification used in the 2011 Census ( SOC2010) can be found at:

91. Age band categories used in the chart represent BSL users only.

92. Further information on the industry classification used in the 2011 Census ( SIC2007) can be found at:

93. Age band categories used in the chart represent BSL users only.

94. Further information on the NS-SeC classification used in the 2011 Census can be found at:

95. Age band categories used in the chart represent BSL users only.

96. AB Higher and intermediate managerial/administrative/professional

C1 Supervisory, clerical, junior managerial/administrative/professional

C2 Skilled manual workers

D Semi-skilled and unskilled manual workers

E On state benefit, unemployed, lowest grade workers.

97. Age band categories used in the chart represent BSL users only.

98. Level 1 = 'O Grade, Standard Grade, Access 3 Cluster, Intermediate 1 or 2, GCSE, CSE, Senior Certificate or Equivalent; GSVQ Foundation or Intermediate, SVQ Level 1 or 2, SCOTVEC Module, City and Guilds Craft or equivalent; Other school qualifications not already mentioned (including foreign qualifications)'

Level 2 = ' SCE Higher Grade, Higher, Advanced Higher, CSYS, A Level, AS Level, Advanced Senior Certificate or equivalent; GSVQ Advanced, SVQ Level 3, ONC, OND, SCOTVEC National Diploma, City and Guilds Advanced Craft or equivalent'

Level 3 = ' HNC, HND, SVQ Level 4 or equivalent, Other post-school but pre-Higher Education qualifications not already mentioned (including foreign qualifications)'

Level 4 = 'Degree, Postgraduate Qualifications, Masters, PhD, SVQ Level 5 or equivalent; Professional Qualifications (for example, teaching, nursing, accountancy); Other Higher Education qualifications not already mentioned (including foreign qualifications)'

99. The census reported a higher level of people with no qualifications than the LFS/ APS, and this is thought to be due to the self-completion nature of the census and the lower level of coverage on the census of the many different qualifications people may hold.

100. Age band categories used in the chart represent BSL users only.

101. Within this category, no more than 2 per cent of people were classed as living rent free.

102. Within the 'Flat or Temporary Structure' category, less than 1 per cent of people were classed as living in a temporary structure (excluding 'White: Gypsy/Traveller' where the proportion was higher. See chapter 2).

103. There are known quality issues around the tenure question in the 2011 Census, in relation to the recording of Council versus Housing Association Landlords.

This is explained more fully at

104. For an explanation of how occupancy rating is calculated see

105. Age band categories used in the chart represent BSL users only.

106. This includes both school children and university or college students

107. There are known data quality issues around the number of people recorded as studying at home. For more details see

108. This includes both school children and university or college students

109. There are known data quality issues around the number of people recorded as studying at home. For more details see


Email: Poppy Wilson

Phone: 0300 244 4000 – Central Enquiry Unit

The Scottish Government
St Andrew's House
Regent Road

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