
Analysis of Religion in the 2001 Census

The report explores the characteristics of each of the religion groups in Scotland using information collected from the 2001 Census in Scotland.



1. This includes Church of Scotland, Roman Catholic and Other Christian.
2. Investigations were carried out comparing the responses to the religion question in the Labour Force Survey (LFS) with those from the England and Wales Census. The LFS asks people to list their religion, even if they are no longer practising. The proportions responding to each category are very similar to the proportions in the Census suggesting that the England and Wales Census question was completed in relation to religion of upbringing rather than current religion.
3. A dependent child is defined as a person aged 0-15 in a household or aged 16-18, in full-time education and living with his or her parent(s).
4. The family reference person (FRP) is taken to be the reference person in a lone parent family. In a couple family, the FRP is chosen from the two people in the couple on the basis of their economic activity. If both people have the same economic activity, the FRP is identified as the elder of the two or, if they are the same age, the first member of the couple on the form.
5 .Social Focus on Urban Rural Scotland 2003, Scottish Executive
6. Note that those persons who answer 'living rent free' to the Census question on 'owns/rents' are placed back into the rented categories. This arises because it is possible that some form-fillers on housing benefit may tick 'living rent free' when they do in fact rent from the Council or another social or private landlord.
7. A Communal Establishment is defined as an establishment providing managed residential accommodation. Managed means full-time or part-time supervision of the accommodation. Examples include prisons, large hospitals and hotels.
8. Visitors (i.e. those with another usual address) and people living in special establishments (such as a residential home, nursing home or hospital for six months or more) were excluded from the 2001 Census.
9. Pensionable age is 60 for women and 65 for men .
10. Pensionable age is 60 for women and 65 for men.
11. The information on the health of young persons may have been supplied by their parent (or guardian) and thus may not necessarily be self-defined.
12. Pensionable age is 60 for women and 65 for men.

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