Improving educational outcomes for children and young people from travelling cultures consultation: response analysis report

Analysis report summarising the responses to our consultation on guidance on improving educational outcomes for traveller children and young people.

Analysis of responses, introduction

6. The purpose of this analysis report is to summarise responses against general themes meaning that a comment made against one question may be incorporated in the summary of the related theme under a different question in the analysis. It is not possible to capture every point raised. Generally, this report does not provide a response to comments or themes raised with the exception of in a small number of cases where clarity around a point is thought helpful or necessary.

7. Some comments while having an impact directly or indirectly on Traveller education, were not within the scope of this guidance – for example the need to provide more Traveller sites or improve broadband services, the content of existing documents and guidance, the request for a curriculum for EAL children, and comments on responsibilities and procedures related to home education.

8. Similarly, there were several requests to add in detail or statements about existing education or other policy, which while relevant, were not specific to Traveller education. Where appropriate, references to existing policies and guidance may be made but it is not within the scope of this guidance to include the detail on every area requested. Also, as this is national guidance, comments about improving provision or services, education or otherwise, in specific local authorities or areas have been noted only in the context of the wider theme to which they relate.

9. Note that the percentages shown in the tables may not total 100 due to rounding.


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