
Developing an environment strategy for Scotland: analysis of responses to online discussion

Independent analysis of responses to our June to August 2018 online discussion that sought views to help inform the development of an Environment Strategy for Scotland.

Appendix 3: Outcomes - Additional Quotes

A sample of illustrative quotes that typify the responses in relation to Outcome 1: We are a climate leader and play our full role in limiting global temperature rise to well below 2°C

We support this ambition and outcome. This framing will enable connection to international policy initiatives. [National Trust for Scotland]

To ensure that Scotland is a climate leader, Outcome 1 should reflect the full aim of the Paris Agreement of ‘keeping a global temperature rise this century well below 2 degrees Celsius above pre-industrial levels and to pursue efforts to limit the temperature increase even further to 1.5 degrees Celsius. [WWF Scotland]

The need for adapting to climate change should be explicitly included under draft outcome on climate. [Climate Ready Clyde]

Absolutely correct, but we must be aware that our influence globally is limited. The focus should be on putting our own house in order, not only for the benefit of the people living here but as an example for elsewhere. [Individual]

Nearly every large-scale decision that the Government takes goes against these outcomes; does nothing to create urban areas which put people ahead of cars; and continues to extract the maximum amount of oil possible, which is entirely incompatible with keeping temperatures below 2°C. [Chemical Industries Association]

A sample of illustrative quotes that typify the responses in relation to Outcome 2: We are a zero waste, resource efficient nation

SLE supports the principles of the Scottish Government’s Zero Waste Strategy and the drive towards an environmentally sustainable Scotland where waste use is minimised. The vision for a ‘zero waste, resource efficient’ Scotland is an ambitious one and will require significant change in the way we approach the management of our waste. [Scottish Land and Estates]

Agree. This should address use of resources/raw materials at source aligning with the waste hierarchy and avoiding waste. Developing a circular economy - and not just resource efficiency through recycling. It also requires more efforts with the public and businesses; raising awareness and providing adequate facilities. [Aberdeen City Council]

NHC and its members are closely aligned with the Scottish Government. All bottled water producers want to see all their bottles, once used, collected and recycled into new bottles. This is to not only provide the much-needed high quality glass and recycled PET (rPET) material to turn into new bottles, but because none of our member companies wants to see their product go to waste or its packaging end up littered in the environment. [National Hydration Council]

Going in right direction. However, the carrot approach is not achieving targets and the stick is needed. SEPA need to be strengthened and non-compliance simply stopped. [BioBags Scotland]

A sample of illustrative quotes that typify the responses to Outcome 3: Our biodiversity is protected and enhanced, supporting healthy ecosystems

Protection of biodiversity, particularly against a background of developments which have the potential to increase between-species interactions (such as increased predation at weirs, arising from fish movement being delayed), can be challenging. A clear policy for the management of such interactions between protected species will be necessary’. [Fisheries Management Scotland]

‘The objective to ensure not only protection of our biodiversity, but also its enhancement, is welcome. The reference to healthy ecosystems is supported; it raises the importance of continued ecosystem function and resilience, delivering vital ecosystem services to the people of Scotland in addition to protecting biodiversity’. [WSP]

In considering resource efficiencies, biodiversity and one planet prosperity we must never forget the public health dimension.  Keep Scotland Beautiful recently reported that 1 million people in Scotland live on filthy streets. [Aberdeenshire Environmental Forum]

Soil Association Scotland agrees that the above outcomes would help achieve this vision, however a crucial element is missing from the outcome ‘Our biodiversity is protected and enhanced, supporting healthy ecosystems’. We believe that this should read: ‘Our biodiversity should be restored, protected and enhanced, supporting healthy ecosystems.’ There needs to be greater support for organic agriculture, agroecological practices, and High Nature Value Farming across Scotland in order to achieve this outcome. [Soil Association Scotland]

A sample of illustrative quotes that typify the responses to Outcome 4: Our air, freshwater, seas and soils are of excellent quality

Objectives 3 (biodiversity etc.) and 4 (air, water, etc.) separate items which are closely related. For example, healthy soil and freshwater systems depend on functioning biodiversity.  Scotland has good environmental condition compared to many other countries. Benefits are accruing from cross-sectoral ways of operating, and progressive regulation with tiered baseline good practice and measures. [James Hutton Institute]

‘Excellent quality’ remains undefined, making the outcome challenging to measure. Supporting information would be helpful to define ‘excellent quality’ and clarify how it will be measured and monitored. Water scarcity (i.e. through a changing climate) is not acknowledged. This will also have a knock-on effect to nature, people and businesses. Waste water is also not mentioned. [Aberdeen City Council]

Care must be taken when seeking to protect the environment that actions do not result in unintended consequences. For example, the full impact of switching to alternative materials would need to be assessed carefully to take into account how this might affect CO₂ emissions and the recycling process, for example. [Natural Hydration Council]

Should be but this is not the case, especially air quality in our cities - it's amongst the worst in the Western world - are we facing up to this reality? [Individual]

A sample of illustrative quotes that typify the responses to Outcome 5: Everyone can access, enjoy and connect with nature

We’d encourage the Strategy to acknowledge the growing scientific consensus on the physical and mental health and wellbeing benefits of access to nature. Nevertheless, the Strategy also needs to consider the sustainability of the tourism sector – for this reason, we need to invest in creating and enhancing natural areas, such as through the National Ecological Network, so that access to nature can be better localised and to reduce the congestion effects that impact on this public good. [Scottish Wildlife Trust]

We would welcome the widening or rewording of this outcome to include the education and awareness that is required to encourage more people to engage and connect with nature and understand how and why it is important to take responsible access to the outdoors and care for our precious environment. [Scottish Land and Estates]

The conflicts between the access, connection and enjoying nature – including tourism - needs to be addressed in a way that biodiversity is protected, and our natural areas are not further deteriorated.  Consideration should be given to including specific reference to valuing nature also, not just for human benefit (as this outcome currently suggests) but for its intrinsic value also. [Aberdeen City Council]

A sample of illustrative quotes that typify responses to Outcome 6: The global footprint of our consumption and production is sustainable

There is no alternative as, at current rates of consumption, those resources will end. [Individual]

Clearly signals that the strategy is whole-of-government and that it is international as well as domestically focused. [IEMA]

We support the Scottish Environment Strategy taking a global perspective in Objective 6. It sets out a further leadership role that Scotland can take. [James Hutton Institute]

Although generalised, this outcome is vital to achieve “One Planet Prosperity”, due to its integrated relationship with the other outcomes. [WSP]

Natural environment directly supports the productivity of our farming industry. Considering this, we welcome the focus the discussion paper puts on managing the consequences of Brexit. [Crown Estate Scotland]



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