Adults with Incapacity legislation review: consultation responses analysis

Scottish Government analysis of the responses to the consultation on the Scottish Law Commission's legislation review.

Scottish Government Consultation on the Scottish Law Commission Report on Adults With Incapacity: Summary of Responses to Consultation


1. The Scottish Government consulted on the Scottish Law Commission's report on Adults with Incapacity from December 2015 to March 2016.

2. The consultation sought views on the approach taken by the SLC in their draft Adults with Incapacity Bill [1] to issues of deprivation of liberty for adults with incapacity both in hospital settings and within the community. This report summarise the responses received. All responses which the Scottish Government has permission to publish are available on line at

Respondent Information

3. In total the consultation received 73 responses, 23 from individuals and 50 from organisations. Of the organisations who responded, these can be categorised into eight broad types.

Type of organisation Number of Responses Percentage
Local Government bodies 14 28
Health and Social care partnerships 5 10
Statutory regulators 1 2
Professional regulatory bodies 5 10
Other professional bodies 8 16
Health Boards 3 6
Other 4 8
Third sector 10 20
  50 100%

4. It should be noted that different respondents answered different questions which will explain why there are differing numbers of responses for each question.


Email: Isla Bisset

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