
Infrastructure investment plan 2021-2022 to 2025-2026 - draft: consultation analysis

Independent analysis of consultation responses to the Scottish Government's Draft Infrastructure Investment Plan 2021-22 to 2025-26. The consultation ran from 24 September 2020 to 19 November 2020.


1. The Scottish Government is currently considering the findings of the Phase 2 report, and will publish a formal response in due course.

2. The final recommendation, number 23, relating to statutory long-term independent advice is currently being considered more fully alongside the Phase 2 report findings. The concept was explored and developed more fully in the Phase 2 report.

3. The final recommendation, number 23, relating to statutory long-term independent advice is currently being considered by the Scottish Government more fully alongside the Phase 2 report findings. The concept was explored and developed more fully in the Phase 2 report.

4. This relates to the 101 responses which have formed the basis of our main analysis (see Section 2.10). The Campaign Responses are considered separately.

5. This relates to: 147 responses received - 48 campaign responses + one consolidated response from each of Campaign Response 1 and Campaign Response 2 = 101 responses.

6. An Alternative Approach to Project Selection: The Infrastructure Prioritization Framework

7. HACT is the UK housing sectors



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