
Infrastructure investment plan 2021-2022 to 2025-2026 - draft: consultation analysis

Independent analysis of consultation responses to the Scottish Government's Draft Infrastructure Investment Plan 2021-22 to 2025-26. The consultation ran from 24 September 2020 to 19 November 2020.

1. Introduction


1.1 This report presents the independent analysis of consultation responses to the Scottish Government Draft Infrastructure Investment Plan (IIP) for Scotland 2021-22 to 2025-26. The consultation ran from 24th September 2020 to 19th November 2020.


1.2 In 2018, the First Minister announced a National Infrastructure Mission to increase Scotland's annual infrastructure investment so that it reaches internationally competitive levels by the end of the next Parliament.

1.3 To support delivery of the National Infrastructure Mission, Scottish Ministers established an independent Infrastructure Commission for Scotland. The Commission started work in 2019 and has reported its findings in two reports.

1.4 Phase 1 engaged widely across Scotland and attracted almost 150 submissions to a Call for Evidence from organisations, specialists and experts from across all infrastructure sectors, and feedback from over 1,000 members of the public. It also took evidence from similar organisations across the UK and internationally. Taken together, this evidence-base informed the Phase 1 report which provided recommendations on the vision, ambition and strategic priorities for infrastructure. A "Blueprint for Scotland" was published in January 2020.

1.5 The Phase 2 Delivery Findings Report involved providing further advice on the delivery of infrastructure, and was published in July 2020. The Scottish Government is currently considering the findings of the Phase 2 report and will publish a formal response in due course.

1.6 Scottish Ministers agreed with the recommendations within the Phase 1 report[3], and the Draft IIP shows how they will be implemented in Scotland. In doing so, the Draft IIP seeks to set out a clear vision for our future infrastructure - to support and enable an inclusive net zero emissions economy.

1.7 The Draft IIP sets out the Scottish Government's long-term vision for Scottish infrastructure, shows how it will choose the right future investments, and sets out a five-year programme of further improvements.

1.8 The consultation on the Draft IIP did not seek to repeat the earlier engagement process (see Section 1.4). Rather, it sought wide-ranging views and feedback on specific areas around the ways the Scottish Government plans to implement the Commission's recommendations, to ensure the right final approach.

1.9 More specifically, the consultation sought views on the way the Scottish Government plans to implement the Commission's recommendations in the following areas:

  • The inclusion of natural infrastructure.
  • How we prioritise - the Common Investment Hierarchy approach.
  • How we best assess the impact of proposed infrastructure.
  • How we best assess the carbon impact of future Plans.

1.10 The findings of the consultation will be used by the Scottish Government to finalise the IIP in early 2021, and it will be published thereafter.

Report Structure

1.11 Section 2 provides details on the consultation methodology and responses.

1.12 Section 3 to Section 7 provide the analysis of responses to the consultation questions.

1.13 Section 8 captures wider points raised through the consultation that did not relate directly to any of the consultation questions.

1.14 Annex A provides a list of organisations that submitted a consultation response by thematic sector and type. Annex B provides a summary of the Campaign Responses received. Annex C lists the existing tools or methodologies identified by consultation respondents which they think the Scottish Government could draw on or adopt in developing its framework (Question 3c of the consultation).



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