
Good practice principles for renewable energy developments consultation: analysis of responses

In 2018, we reviewed and consulted on our good practice principles for: community benefits from onshore renewable energy developments, shared ownership of onshore renewable energy developments, and community benefits from offshore renewable energy developments. 


The Scottish Government gave a commitment within our Scottish Energy Strategy (published December 2017), to review our suite of Good Practice Principles for Renewable Energy Developments during 2018. 

The review encompassed all three Scottish Government Good Practice Principles:

  • Community Benefits from Onshore Renewable Energy Developments 
  • Shared Ownership of Onshore Renewable Energy Developments
  • Community Benefits from Offshore Renewable Energy Developments

A public consultation, shaped by an external steering group (chaired by the Scottish Government and comprised of representatives from industry, communities and other relevant bodies) and a series of external stakeholder workshops, ran from 30 November 2018 to 31 January 2019 to seek views on a range of issues. 

The aim of the consultation process is ensure that communities continue to benefit from renewable projects in a manner that is appropriate for the current and future context in which projects are developed.

The starting position was not wholesale change, as much of the documents remain relevant and valid, but to enhance and amend some aspects to reflect lessons learned, and align with current and future investment conditions.

Responses to the consultation will be used to inform the final version of the guidance.



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