
Good practice principles for renewable energy developments consultation: analysis of responses

In 2018, we reviewed and consulted on our good practice principles for: community benefits from onshore renewable energy developments, shared ownership of onshore renewable energy developments, and community benefits from offshore renewable energy developments. 

Respondent Profile

There were 47 responses to the consultation: 40 from organisations and 7 from individuals. Respondents were assigned to respondent groupings in order to enable analysis of any differences or commonalities across or within the various different types of organisations and individuals that responded.  

A list of all those organisations that submitted a response to the consultation and agreed to have their response published is included in Appendix 1.  The following table shows the numbers of responses in each analysis group.

The onshore wind category is predominately wind farm developers and generators – and this group accounted for the majority of the responses received. 

47 organisations and individuals from the following respondent sub-groups submitted a response to the consultation:

Respondent Groups

Community groups 5
Local Authorities and other public sector 6
Trade bodies and interest groups 7
Renewables industry 18
Others 4
Total organisations 40
Individuals 7
Total respondents 47



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