
Heat networks delivery plan - draft: consultation analysis

The key findings from a qualitative analysis of consultation responses that were submitted about the draft heat networks delivery plan.

2. Background

2.1 The Scottish Government has an important role to play in developing a heat networks market in Scotland that meets targets set by the Heat Networks (Scotland) Act 2021 (the 2021 Act).[3] The statutory 2030 and 2045 targets for economy-wide decarbonisation, and the heat network specific targets contained within the 2021 Act, demand urgent transformative action in the sector.

2.2 Scottish Ministers are committed to publishing a Heat Networks Delivery Plan (HNDP) by 1 April 2022. The HNDP should outline how the provisions of the 2021 Act, and supporting policies, will contribute to increasing the use of heat networks in Scotland. In developing the HNDP, members of the public and heat network stakeholders have been invited to provide views on the draft proposals through a public consultation. This feedback has a vital role in informing the HNDP. Analysis of the views gathered through the public consultation process are reported in this document.

2.3 Consultation on the Draft HNDP ran from 15 November to 13 December 2021.[4] The consultation contained two sections with seven chapters. The contents of the consultation outlined: the Scottish Government's plans for meeting the heat network targets; set out details of how heat network zones will be designated; how a new regulatory regime will function; interactions with the wider policy framework; details on funding and delivery; and information on monitoring and reporting. Respondents were asked to provide feedback on 22 individual questions that were posed about these proposals.

2.4 A total of 48 responses were received. An online stakeholder workshop also took place on 30 November 2021.[5] At this event the main topics for consideration were: the regulatory regime; decarbonising existing heat networks; building assessment reports; the Building Hierarchy; pre-capital support; and fuel poverty. The consultation responses and the views gathered at the stakeholder workshop were analysed and the findings are presented in this report to inform the Scottish Government about the potential implications of different policy measures under consideration for further development.



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