The Anholt - GfK Roper Nation Brands Index(SM): 2014 Report for Scotland

This publication reports the 2014 findings of the Anholt-GfK Roper Nation Brands Index (NBI) on Scotland's international reputation in terms of exports, governance, culture, people, tourism and investment and immigration.

3 Methodology

The Nation Brands Index

3.1 Conducted annually from 2008, the Anholt-GfK Roper Nation Brands IndexSM examines the image of 50 nations. Each year, approximately 20,000 adults aged 18 and over in 20 core panel nations are interviewed online. The Anholt - GfK Roper Nation Brands IndexSM explores a country's image by examining six dimensions of national competence all of which are weighted equally. The six dimensions are:

3.2 Exports. Examines panellists' image of products and services from each country, their view of a country's contribution to innovation in science and technology and the degree to which a country is recognised as a creative place.

3.3 Governance. Considers public opinion regarding the level of national government competency and fairness, as well as its perceived commitment to global issues such as peace, poverty and the environment.

3.4 Culture. Reveals global perceptions of each nation's cultural heritage and appreciation for its contemporary culture and recognition of its sporting excellence.

3.5 People. Explores the population's reputation for employability, openness and welcome, as well as appeal of the people on a personal level.

3.6 Tourism. Captures the level of interest in visiting a country and the draw of its natural beauty, historic built environment and vibrant city attractions.

3.7 Immigration and Investment. Looks at a country's appeal as a place to live, work, invest or study, and reveals how people perceive a country's economic and social situation.

3.8 The overall NBISM score is an average of the scores from the six dimensions mentioned above. There are between 3 and 5 questions for each of the dimensions, resulting in a total 23 'attributes' across the six dimensions. Ratings are based on a scale from 1 to 7, with 7 being the highest and best, 1 being the lowest and worst, and 4 being the middle position which is neither positive nor negative. Each dimension also has a word choice question which gives some depth to how those surveyed perceive a nation's image.

3.9 The 2014 NBISM survey was conducted in 20 major developed and developing countries. The core 20 rating panel countries are:

  • North America: the United States, Canada
  • Western Europe: the United Kingdom, Germany, France, Italy, Sweden
  • Central and Eastern Europe: Russia, Poland, Turkey
  • Asia-Pacific: Japan, China, India, South Korea, Australia
  • Latin America: Argentina, Brazil, Mexico
  • Middle East/Africa: Egypt, South Africa

3.10 20,125 online interviews were conducted with at least 1,000 adults aged 18 or over per country between July 10th and July 28th 2014[8] for the 2014 NBISM survey. Using the most up-to-date online population parameters, the achieved sample in each country has been weighted to reflect key demographic characteristics such as age, gender, and education of the 2014 online population in that country. Additionally, in the United States, the United Kingdom, South Africa, India and Brazil, race/ethnicity has been used for sample balancing.

3.11 The NBISM measures the image of 50 nations. In each panel nation the list of 50 nations is randomly assigned to panellists, each of whom rates 25 nations, resulting in each nation receiving approximately 500 ratings per panel country.[9] Thus approximately half of the total sample will have been asked to rate and compare Scotland's reputation. The survey panellists from each country and their thoughts on each of the six dimensions are weighted equally.

3.12 The list of 50 rated nations in 2014 is as follows, listed by region:

  • North America: the United States, Canada, Puerto Rico*
  • Western Europe: the United Kingdom, Germany, France, Italy, Spain, Ireland, Scotland, Sweden, Denmark, Holland, , Switzerland, Finland, Austria, Greece, Norway*
  • Central/Eastern Europe: Russia, Poland, Czech Republic, Hungary, Turkey, Ukraine*
  • Asia Pacific: Japan, South Korea, China, India, Thailand, Indonesia, Malaysia*, Singapore, Taiwan, Australia, New Zealand
  • Latin America: Argentina, Brazil, Mexico, Chile, Peru, Colombia, Ecuador, Jamaica*
  • Middle East/Africa: The United Arab Emirates, Iran, Egypt, Saudi Arabia, South Africa, Kenya, Nigeria, Qatar.

Note: '*' indicates nations that were included in the 2014 survey but not in 2012; four nations measured in 2012 but not in 2014 are Belgium, Croatia, Malaysia, and Georgia.

Interpreting the 2014 NBISM Data

3.13 The NBISM, in the long-term, will represent a useful tool to track and monitor Scotland's reputation in the minds of people around the world at a high-level. It does not provide an evaluative measure of policy interventions.

3.14 The contractors, GfK Roper and Simon Anholt, own the concept, data and intellectual rights. The Scottish Government is therefore restricted in what it can publish from the Nation Brands IndexSM. The data published and analysed in this report represent the core information on Scotland's position on the NBISM. The report has been checked by the contractors to ensure it complies with the Scottish Government's contractual obligations.

3.15 The NBISM is used to assess progress against one of the indicators from the Scottish Government's National Performance Framework, 'Improve Scotland's Reputation'. Assessment of any change in Scotland's performance is based on Scotland's absolute score as it compares to the previous year's score. An increase of 1 point or more in Scotland's absolute score suggests that the position is "improving", whereas a decrease of 1 point or more in Scotland's absolute score suggests that the position is "worsening" [10]. This report will comply with these guidelines and will only consider an increase/decrease in score exceeding 1 point to be representing change, and otherwise treat the score as unchanged.

3.16 The NBISM provides both a rank and score of the overall and individual elements of a country's reputation. It is important to note that the rank is responsive to changes in the sample of evaluated nations[11] and is therefore informative about the relative rankings in a particular year only. The score enables direct comparison between years.


Email: Sophie Ellison

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