
The Anholt-Ipsos Nation Brands IndexSM: 2020 Report for Scotland

This report discusses the 2020 findings from the Anholt-Ipsos Nation Brand IndexSM (NBI) survey. NBI data are used to report on the International Indicator on 'Scotland's reputation'.


Scotland's score of 62.6 and rank of 17th on the NBISM show that Scotland continues to have a strong reputation abroad. Countries that did better than Scotland and ranked in the Top 10 were Germany, United Kingdom, Canada, Japan, France, Italy, Switzerland, Sweden, Australia, and the United States.

In terms of absolute score, Scotland has remained stable from 2018 (62.7) to 2020 (62.6), with an overall change of 0.1. Scotland's relative rank has decreased overall from 2018, falling one place from 16th to 17th.

As outlined in the methodology, across the six NBISM dimensions respondents were asked a total of 23 questions. Using the concept of the NBISM hexagon, these attributes are visually summarised in Figure 15, where the centre of the circle represents the position of rank 50 (least reputable), and the outer circle represents the first (most reputable) position.

When all six NBISM dimensions of Scotland's reputation are considered Tourism and Governance continue to be the dimensions most recognised by the respondents from around the world. Out of the six dimensions, Scotland's score for Culture shows the only improvement from 2018.

For the most part, respondents from across the world are able to distinguish between the different aspects of reputation. Respondents from certain countries are more familiar with Scotland and therefore better able to judge its strengths. English-speaking countries, European neighbours, Commonwealth countries, and the UK in particular, are the most favourable and familiar in terms of Scotland's reputation.

While Scotland's score has decreased between 2018 and 2020, the change of 0.1 is below the 1.0 point threshold for the National Indicator 'Scotland's reputation' indicating that Scotland's reputation is 'maintaining' internationally.

Figure 15: NBI SM Scotland's reputation across the 23 attributes by rank (2018 and 2020)
Infographic of Scotland’s reputation across the 23 attributes by rank in 2018 and 2020.



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