The Anholt Nation Brands Index®: 2024 Report For Scotland Methodology Report
This report discusses the methodology of the 2024 Anholt Nation Brand Index® survey.
Annex A: Voluntary compliance with the Code of Practice for Official Statistics
The purpose of this statement of compliance is to provide transparency to users by recording the way that the Nation Brands Index (NBISM) report has been prepared in terms of the UK Statistics Authority's Code of Practice for Official Statistics. This relates to how the data are handled once they have been received by the SG.
We are committed to the pillars and principles underlying the Code, and to improving our statistics over time. This statement sets out our approach to adopting the Code on a voluntary basis.
The Nation Brands IndexSM: 2024 Report for Scotland is aimed at transparently informing readers on the progress of the National Performance Framework Indicator 'Scotland's Reputation'.
We reviewed our approach to producing and publishing this analysis against the three pillars of Trustworthiness, Quality and Value and considered how we were already meeting the principles within the Code and what could be improved upon.
We explain below how these pillars provide a framework to demonstrate voluntary compliance with many parts of this code, in line with the Guide for Voluntary Compliance.
Pillar 1: Trustworthiness – trusted people, systems and processes
Trustworthiness means that the statistics and other numerical information are produced free from vested interest, based on the best professional judgement of statisticians and other analysts. Trustworthiness is a product of the people, systems and processes within organisations that enable and support the production of statistics and other numerical information.
- The data preparation, collection and analysis were conducted independently by Anholt & Co. A methodology is attached to this report as an annex which details survey design and methods.
- The Scottish Government purchased the data and the report has been produced independently by analysts within the Scottish Government. These analysts are impartial and are appropriately skilled, trained and supported in their roles and professional development.
- The report was pre-announced prior to publication on the Scottish Government's Forthcoming Publications calendar.
- The 2024 data is stored electronically and securely in line with data management best practice.
Pillar 2: Quality - robust data, methods and processes
Quality means that the statistics and numerical information represent the best available estimate of what they aim to measure at a particular point in time and are not materially misleading. Quality is analytical in nature and is a product of the professional judgments made in the specification, collection, aggregation, processing, analysis and dissemination of data.
- The data source was purchased from an independent contractor (Anholt & Co). We have published the methodology alongside the main report as an annex which outlines methods used for country selection, respondent selection, fieldwork process, sampling, weighting, and analysis that is carried out before the Scottish Government receives the data. This allows us to be as transparent as possible, informing users of the quality and limitations of this data source.
- Before procurement of the 2024 data, a market alternatives review was undertaken to determine if the NBISM continues to represent the best data source to measure progress against Scotland's National Performance Framework Indicator: 'Scotland's Reputation'. It was found that the NBISM is currently the most appropriate data source for this National Indicator.
- Once the data were received by the Scottish Government, analysts performed rigorous quality assurance of the data to make sure that it was accurate, reliable, coherent and that the report could be published without any unexpected delays.
Pillar 3: Public Value - statistics that serves the public good
Value means that the statistics and other numerical information are accessible, relevant and benefit society; helping the public to understand important issues and answer key questions. Value is a product of the interface between the statistics or other numerical information and those who use them as a basis for forming judgements.
- Statistics produced in Scotland's NBISM report are a valuable public asset. The data in this report feeds into monitoring the Scotland's National Performance Framework, and in particular is used to measure the National Indicator 'Scotland's Reputation'. This National Indicator sits under the National Outcome 'We are open, connected and make a positive contribution internationally'.
- Since the last publication of The Nation Brands IndexSM: Report for Scotland, in 2022, Scottish Government analysts have improved the report and its outputs. The Government Statistical Service guidance was a useful resource when improving the report, taking into consideration user accessibility.
- The Scottish Government is committed to ensuring that the published information is accessible and can be reused as much as possible. The tables and figures that appear in this report have been made available in spreadsheet form. The report itself has been published in PDF and HTML formats on the Scottish Government's website.
- A regular review of the data source before procurement is undertaken to make sure the NBISM is still the best measure for the National Indicator 'Scotland's reputation'.
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