
Biosecurity practices for animal health: guidance for public sector staff

Management practices that collectively reduce the potential for the introduction or spread of animal disease-causing organisms onto and between farms.

Disinfection of marine survey boats

After each visit to marine fish farm sites, the survey boat and its equipment, survey equipment and personal protection equipment (PPE) are thoroughly cleaned and disinfected at the fish farm base, and/or upon returning to the office.

While in open water away from any sites, the boat (the deck and hull above the water line), equipment and survey equipment are hosed down with seawater to remove any residual sediment and organic material.

Everything is then sprayed with disinfectant.

Disinfection on site

Before coming ashore, the boat is hosed down with seawater to remove any residual sediment and organic material.

The boat is winched onto its trailer and parked in a suitable location.

All survey equipment is removed from the boat and spread out on the ground. The PPE is also spread out on the ground if there is nowhere suitable to hang it.

The boat’s hull, bilge area, deck and fixed equipment (anchor, winch, etc.) are thoroughly sprayed with disinfectant, which is allowed to drain and dry.

All survey equipment (grabs, sieves, etc.) and PPE (dry suits, rubber boots, waterproofs, etc.) are also disinfected.

Cleaning and disinfection on return to the office

Prior to disinfection, the boat’s hull, deck and fixed equipment (anchor, winch, etc.) are scrubbed and pressure-washed with fresh water to remove any residual sediment and organic material.

Any bilge water should be pumped out.

Disinfectant is then added to the washer, sprayed over the boat and left to dry.

All survey equipment and PPE are cleaned and disinfected by the same method as the boat, except that they are also given a final rinse with fresh water.

Disinfection against ISA

Firstly, the boat’s hull, deck and fixed equipment (anchor, winch, etc.) are scrubbed and pressure-washed with fresh water to remove any residual sediment and organic material.

Any bilge water should be pumped out.

Detergent is then added to the washer, sprayed over the boat and left for a minimum period of 20 minutes; this is to break down any fats and oily material.

This is followed by disinfectant being added to the washer, and the boat sprayed again; this is left to dry.

All survey equipment and PPE are clean and disinfected by the same method as the boat, except that they are also given a final rinse with fresh water.



Telephone: 0300 244 4000 (Central Enquiry Unit)

Scottish Government
Agriculture and Rural Economy Directorate
Saughton House


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