
Animal health: movement restrictions

Details around the strict controls around the movement of animals to prevent disease.

General licence for movement of cattle, sheep, goats and other ruminating animals (except camelids) and swine within Scotland

In accordance with article 3(l)(a)  of  the  Disease Control  (Interim  Measures) (Scotland) Order 2002 (as amended), the Scottish Ministers hereby authorise by this licence the movement of cattle, sheep, goats and other ruminating animals (except camelids) and swine within Scotland subject to both the following standard conditions and the further conditions contained in whichever of Annexes l to 4 to this licence applies in respect of the type of animal moved.


l. Prior to any movement, the owner/keeper shall inspect the animals to be moved for signs of any notifiable disease. If any evidence of any such disease is found it must be notified without delay to a veterinary inspector at the local Animal and Plant Health Agency (APHA) office.  If any evidence of disease is found, no animal kept on the premises of departure may be moved under this licence.

2. This licence licenses the movement of an animal provided no other animal of the types listed above has moved onto the premises during the standstill period of 13 days (or  20  days in the case of pigs prior to the intended movement.  However, where article 3(2)(b) of the Disease Control (Interim Measures) (Scotland) Order 2002 (as amended) applies, and the separation condition and the condition in article 3(2A) are met, the animal may be moved without the standstill period having been observed.

3. This licence does not permit the movement  of any animal from a slaughterhouse, unless the animal in question is moving directly to another slaughterhouse.


4.    All movements are subject to the requirements of the Welfare of Animals (Transport)(Scotland) Regulations 2006 (as amended).

5.    Any vehicle used for movement of animals must be thoroughly cleansed and disinfected before and alter movement in compliance with the requirements of the Transport of Animals (Cleansing and Disinfection) (Scotland) Regulations 2005.

6.    Where a movement under this licence is continued into England  under the authority of a licence issued under the Disease Control (England) Order 2003 (as amended), or where a movement under the authority of a licence issued under that Order is continued into Scotland, the continuation of that movement is permitted on the conditions of the English licence or this licence respectively.

7.    This licence does not permit the movement of any animal to a market if it has been presented at a market within the previous 13 days (20 days for pigs), or an English or Welsh market within the previous 6 days (20 days for pigs), except for any animal marketed in a livestock market in any of the Scottish Island areas.

8.    This licence  comes  into  force on the 15 December 2017 and replaces that  issued on 2 April 2013. However, the general licence issued on 2 April 2013 continues to apply where the movement commenced prior to 15 December 2017 and the conditions of that licence continue to apply in respect of such a movement.

9.    This licence is without prejudice to any specific licence issued by the Scottish Ministers under article 3(1)(a) of the Disease Control (Interim Measures) (Scotland) Order 2002 (as amended).

10.    This licence shall not permit any movement by any owner/keeper who has been notified by the Scottish Ministers in writing that they are excluded from the application of this licence. The Scottish Ministers may withdraw such an exclusion at any time.

Failure to comply with any of these conditions may render a person liable to exclusion from authorisation by this licence in terms of condition 10 and above and liable to prosecution and heavy penalties on conviction

Signed on Behalf of the Scottish Ministers

Sheila Voas

23 November 2021

Annex 1


1. Identification and  movement  records  must  be  kept  in  accordance  with  the requirements of the Cattle Identification (Scotland) Regulations 2007 (as amended).

2. Notification of movements must be made in accordance with the above Regulations and to ScotEID, 7 Deveron Road, Huntly, AB54 8DU (tel: 01466 794323 or online at within 3 days of movement.

3. Cattle must not be moved in circumstances where tuberculosis testing has been carried out and (i) the results have not yet been read, (ii) the test results are positive, or (iii) the test results are  inconclusive .  (Movements may,  however, still be permitted if a licence has been issued by a veterinary inspector under the Tuberculosis (Scotland) Order 2007.)

Cattle Born Before 1 August 1996

4(1). From 1 March 2011 all cattle born or reared in Scotland before 1 August 1996 are restricted to the holding they were on at that time. The notice restricting the movement of these cattle has been made under regulation 15 of the Transmissible Spongiform Encephalopathies (Scotland) Regulations 20 l 0.

(ii). There may however,  be exceptional circumstances  where a keeper needs to move an animal. In these cases, keepers must apply to the Animal and Plant Health Agency (APHA)for a movement licence.

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(iii). A movement  licence must  be obtained  before an animal  is moved  from its current holding. Each request for a movement licence will be considered on a case by case basis, but movements to markets or dealers will not be permitted.

Further information on the requirements for the movement of Cattle can be found at Livestock identification and traceability: guidance - (

Annex 2

Sheep and goats

I. Identification and movement records must be kept in accordance with  the requirements of: The Sheep and Goats (Records, Identification and Movement) (Scotland) Order 2009.

2. Where notification of movement to the Scottish Animal Movements Unit (SAMU), Government Buildings, 161 Brooms Road, Dumfries, DGI 3ES (tel: 0300 244 5888; fax: 0300 244 8844email: is required, the notification must be made within 3 days of movement.

3. Where sheep have moved through a market, the operator of that market must notify such movements within 3 days of the date on which the market is held.

Further information on the requirements for the movement of sheep.

Annex 3

Pigs and wildboar

I. Identification and movement records must be kept in accordance with the requirements of: The Pig (Records,  Identification and  Movement)  (Scotland) Order 2011 (as amended).

2. Notification of movements must be made within 3 days in accordance with the requirements of The Pig (Records, Identification and Movement) Order (Scotland) 2011 (as amended),  in particular  article  12. Where a  pig moves  to a new holding from a show the new keeper must notify the movement to Scottish Ministers, within a period of 3 days commencing on the day of the move from the show.

Further information on the requirements for the movement of Pigs.

Annex 4

Deer, alpacas, guanacos, llama and vicuñas

1. Identification of deer, alpacas, guanacos, llamas and vicunas

Deer, alpacas, guanacos, llamas and vicunas must be identified as required by the Tuberculosis in Specified Animals (Scotland) Order 2015.

2. Restriction of movement of deer, alpacas, guanacos, llamas and vicunas following testing

Deer, alpacas, guanacos, llamas and vicunas must not be moved in circumstances where tuberculosis testing has been carried out and (i) the results have not yet been read, (ii) the test results have been positive or (iii) the test results have been inconclusive.  Movement may, however, be permitted if a licence has been issued by a veterinary inspector authorising movement under the Tuberculosis in Specified Animals (Scotland) Order 2015.

Report of a  movement of deer, alpacas, guanacos, llamas and vicunas

Owner/keeper's declaration

The owner or keeper must complete the following declaration which must be retained on the premises of departure for six months.

 I,………………………………………………………(full name of owner/keeper of animals to be moved)

of………………………………………………………………... …..………………………………………………………………………………………

(address of owner/keeper) hereby certify that I have dispatched a consignment of deer/alpacas/guacanos/llamas/vicuñas* from:

Address of premises of departure:…………………………………………...................  ………………………………………………………………………………………….

CPH of premises of departure:………………………………………………………….


Address of premises of destination:……………………………………………………. ………………………………………………………………………………………….

CPH of premises of destination:………………………………………………………..

On………………………………………. (insert date)

I certify that the premises of departure listed above did / did not* contain any cattle, sheep, goats, pigs, deer, alpacas, guanacos, llamas or vicuñas on the date of departure.



(*delete where applicable).

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