
Animal health: movement restrictions

Details around the strict controls around the movement of animals to prevent disease.

Guidance for the holding of shows/exhibitions (including sheep dog trials)

The Disease Control (Interim Measures) (Scotland) Order 2002 (as amended), Article 7

1. Persons intending to hold shows or exhibitions are required to notify the Divisional Veterinary Manager at their local animal health office of their intention to hold the event.

2. Any farmland on the mainland used for a show or exhibition must be empty of susceptible livestock for a period of 28 days prior to the event. This will not apply to premises such as markets where full cleansing and disinfection is possible. Nor will it apply to such events held on the Islands unless animals from the mainland are present, in which case the 28 day period will subsequently have to be observed.

3. The names and addresses of all exhibitors and other persons handling stock at shows or exhibitions should be recorded by the person responsible for the stock and retained by the organisers for three months beyond the date of the event. This information should be provided on request to the DVM or his staff or local authority animal health inspector.

4. Sheep and goats moving to a show or exhibitions must be officially identified. If they were born or identified after 31 December 2009 they must be identified with an electronic identifier (EID). Breeding animals must be fully EID identified, for example with an EID tag and a conventional tag. Slaughter animals should be identified with a single EID batch slaughter tag. The move must be recorded in the holding register and if an animal is fully EID identified then its individual identification number must also be recorded. Animals identified with an EID batch slaughter tag are recorded on a batch basis. For further information on the identification and traceability of sheep and goats there is Scottish Government guidance for keepers in Scotland.

5. A movement document must be completed for each move to and from the show or exhibition showing the number of animals moved at batch level. It is the keeper's responsibility to report these moves to the Scottish Animal Movement Unit (SAMU), Government Buildings, 161 Brooms Rd, Dumfries, DG1 3ES. Supplies of movement documents and assistance with their completion can be obtained from SAMU, tel no: 0300 244 5888, fax no: 0300 244 8844 or email: For any other information please contact your local area office. Stock may be inspected at shows in order to satisfy disease control measures.

6. Cattle moving to and from shows must be individually identified in accordance with current Scottish Government Regulations and have their movements notified to ScotMoves+ within three days. Herd records and passports must be completed to show the movement took place. If further information is required please contact the ScotEID helpline on 01466 794323.

7. Animals moving to shows for exhibition for the first time will not have to be kept separate prior to moving to the show irrespective of whether any other livestock have been moved onto those premises in the 13 day period immediately before moving. If attending only one show within any one 13 day period the animal will not require to be held separate on return from the show nor will the return home trigger a 13 day standstill for any other animal on the home farm. Also animals may move from show to show or may return to their usual premise of residence without triggering a 13 day standstill provided they are kept in separate facilities under an authorised separation agreement with SGRD. In all cases the standstill period for pigs is 20 days.

8. Animals which are neither exhibition class nor taking part in sheep dog trials but which are moving to a show to take part in, for example, sheep shearing events, should be subject to a 13 day standstill on their holding of origin before and after the event. This need not impose a full standstill on the home farm if the animals are held in authorised separation facilities. These animals should also be correctly identified and movements notified to SAMU.

9. Animals coming cross-border to shows from England or Wales (or vice versa) will be subject to the disease control measures which apply in the home countries until such time as they cross the border. Thereafter, the disease control measures in the country being visited will apply. Animals coming from Northern Ireland will have to meet the conditions of import. Once in Scotland all will be subject to the provisions of the Disease Control (Interim Measures) (Scotland) Order 2002 (as amended).

10. The Transport of Animals (Cleansing and Disinfection) (Scotland) Regulations 2005 applies to vehicles taking animals to and from a show/exhibition.

Bird Gatherings

11. Bird gatherings are permitted (outside any specific disease control zones which may be in force) but must comply with all of the conditions in the bird fairs, markets, shows and other gatherings general licence.

12. The general licence allows the collecting together of poultry and other captive birds from more than one source at one location, while minimising the risk of disease spreading between flocks. The licence allows bird gatherings to proceed subject to conditions and prior notification to the Inverness Animal and Plant Health Agency Office.

13. If holding or attending a bird gathering, you must read and adhere to the conditions within the general licence. Non-compliance with the general licence may constitute an offence and a person may be liable to a term not exceeding six months in prison, and/or a £5,000 fine on conviction.

14. Should the risk change, the veterinary risk assessment will be revised, subsequently the general licence may be amended or revoked.

15. Biosecurity measures should also be considered at bird gatherings that do not require general licensing, such as sales or showing of birds from single flocks on premises at which other bird events may take place. The following measures should be taken:

  • all litter and manure within the cages, crates or baskets must be contained until disposal; any spillages outside the cage to be cleansed and disinfected immediately
  • all litter and manure must be disposed of in a manner which does not present a risk of spread of the disease (e.g. in sealed bags for normal refuse collection, so that other birds do not have direct access to it)
  • all exhibitors/entrants must be instructed to cleanse and disinfect the show cages, crates or baskets before the event and advise them that the show cages, crates or baskets should be cleansed and disinfected on return to the home premises and before they are used to hold any other bird
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