
Animal health and welfare in the livestock industry: strategy 2016 to 2021

The strategy was produced following wide consultation, setting out the high-level aims of the Scottish Government for animal health and welfare in Scotland.


69. The five themes and twelve actions outlined in this strategy set out the Scottish Government's commitments to animal health and welfare in the livestock industry over the next five years. It is a comprehensive approach that addresses many facets of animal health and welfare and will enhance Scotland's already proud reputation for animal husbandry and quality produce.

70. Although this strategy contributes to the Scottish Government's objective of sustainable economic growth it also recognises that caring for animals humanely is a public good in its own right and an essential part of sustainability in its widest sense (that is, including economic, environmental and ethical considerations). It is this marriage of the ethical and the pragmatic that will benefit consumers as well as producers and the animals in their care.

Scottish Government
Directorate for Agriculture, Food and Rural Communities
Animal Health and Welfare Division
March 2016


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