
Animal health and welfare in the livestock industry: strategy 2016 to 2021

The strategy was produced following wide consultation, setting out the high-level aims of the Scottish Government for animal health and welfare in Scotland.

Annex B - Welfare Working Group

Terms of Reference

1. Scottish Ministers have agreed the following terms of reference:-

"The Welfare Working Group will:

  • Represent the views of industry, veterinary, scientific and animal welfare stakeholders;
  • Explore the relationship between farm animal welfare and health, taking into account the recommendations of the Farm Animal Welfare Committee ( FAWC) [39] , which will continue to be the principle source of independent advice on farm animal welfare across Great Britain;
  • Consider the opportunities for promoting outcome based measures in different sectors and their uptake by the industry in assurance schemes;
  • Consider the main welfare challenges in each terrestrial livestock sector in Scotland.
  • Make recommendations on how those challenges could be addressed, including suggestions for: further research and voluntary initiatives;
  • Where appropriate, liaise with other organisations that have an interest in animal health and welfare;
  • Report its conclusions to the Scottish Government as appropriate."


2. The core membership is drawn from the following organisations:

British Veterinary Association
National Farmers' Union Scotland
Quality Meat Scotland
Scotland's Rural College
Scottish Government
Scottish Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals

3. Membership is institutional rather than individual, and organisations will nominate representatives. The Group may co‑opt individuals with specific skills, such as animal welfare scientists, or to represent particular sectors (such as pig and poultry interests, transport, processing, markets or local authorities) to help with discussions on particular topics.

Administrative Arrangements

4. The Scottish Government will provide the secretariat, but Ministers have agreed that Stuart Earley of the SSPCA should chair the Group.

Scottish Government
Directorate for Agriculture, Food and Rural Communities
Animal Health and Welfare Division


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