
Animal Welfare Committee (AWC): update to the 2014 FAWC opinion on the welfare of farmed fish at the time of killing

The UK Animal Welfare Committee (AWC) recommendations concerning the welfare of farmed fish at the time of slaughter.

The UK Animal Welfare Committee (AWC) was asked to review the 2014 Farm Animal Welfare Committee (FAWC) recommendations concerning the welfare of farmed fish at the time of slaughter. This included consideration of the farmed fish industry in the UK in 2022 and how markets for farmed fish or technologies in use may have changed since 2014.  AWC is an expert advisory body on animal welfare at the time of killing for all UK administrations. The Scottish Government will carefully consider the recommendations made.

A PDF of the recommendations is included here. The recommendations will publish on the UK Government website in full in due course, including an accessible html version.

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