
Tackling child poverty delivery plan 2022-2026 - annex 3: child poverty measurement framework – updated

This annex to Best Start, Bright Futures: the second tackling child poverty delivery plan 2022 to 2026 provides an update on the measurement framework to monitor whether and how the drivers of poverty change over time.

Summary of Feedback Received by Stakeholders

Stakeholders were consulted on the reviewed measurement framework prior to its publication. Generally, feedback was positive and welcomed the changes, particularly around the new indicators on childcare, fuel costs and transport costs/accessibility.

A key theme, however, across all of the feedback received, was that there is a need to have improved disaggregation of data for each of the indicators across the priority family types identified in the plan. We have taken this forward as an action to support analysis in the second delivery plan. As set out in the previous section, as well as the evaluation strategy, we will be carrying out a review of data availability which will be published as a separate output to assess what it would be possible to provide and how regularly across all priority types.

There were also suggestions for some amendments to indicators and suggestions for new indicators to address gaps which we have considered. Not all of these have been possible due to data constraints but, when outlining the rationale behind the updates in the first section of this document, we have set out these limitations and any plans for future development to existing data which we will keep under review.

Other feedback which we have tried to address in this document included:

Income from employment

  • Clarity around what the non-standard work contract indicator will measure and how/whether it will take account of zero-hour contracts as well as breaking data down by low-income households to reflect the potentially different types of contracts worked by income.
  • The continued inclusion of an attainment gap indicator.

Costs of living

  • Whether, for childcare, it is possible to develop indicators measuring the take-up of funded Early Learning and Childcare as well as the accessibility of childcare.
  • Similarly, the potential to develop an indicator more directly measuring other aspects of transport accessibility relevant to families with disabled people.

Social security and benefits in kind

  • Some concern/need for further clarification on the rationale for moving to measuring reach and value of Universal Credit rather than legacy benefits.
  • Suggestion to measure the proportion of all children who are eligible for Universal Credit rather than just those in low-income households as practically everyone in those bottom three deciles will be eligible.



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