Tackling child poverty - progress report 2022 to 2023: annex d - cost of living focus report

Evidence review on the impact of the cost of living crisis for families living in low income households.


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2. The Insecurity Complex - Low Paid Workers and the Growth of Insecure work_1.pdf (livingwage.org.uk)

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42. Scotland's Wellbeing: The Impact of COVID-19 | National Performance Framework

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45. From pandemic to cost of living crisis: low income families in challenging times | JRF

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55. Health effects of indebtedness: a systematic review

56. Microsoft Word - Every day is a struggle.docx (nuffieldfoundation.org)

57. Transport and Child Poverty | Transport Scotland

58. Cost of living crisis and mental health - Money and Mental Health

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60. Delivering for families? | JRF

61. Loneliness and social isolation during the COVID-19 pandemic - PMC (nih.gov)

62. Evidence paper to accompany: Scotland's Strategic Framework Update (www.gov.scot)

63. "Dropped into a cave": how families with young children experienced lockdown

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66. Microsoft Word - Child Poverty and Transport Research - Final Report - May 2021 (002) (povertyalliance.org)

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72. www.povertyalliance.org/wp-content/uploads/2022/11/SWBG_PA_Cost_of_Living_Report_Final.pdf

73. Scottish Welfare Fund - help with living costs - mygov.scot

74. Scottish Welfare Fund, Self-Isolation Support Grant and Discretionary Housing Payments: monthly data - gov.scot (www.gov.scot)

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76. Life On Low Pay 2022 | Living Wage Foundation

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81. New Report: Local responses to household food insecurity across the UK during the COVID-19 pandemic | SPERI | The University of Sheffield

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92. Tackling child poverty priority families overview - gov.scot (www.gov.scot)

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99. The Scottish Government's planned rent freeze – background – SPICe Spotlight | Solas air SPICe (spice-spotlight.scot)

100. Briefing: Tackling child poverty (audit-scotland.gov.uk)

101. Quarterly Report – Q1 2023

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103. What is it? | Living Wage Foundation

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105. For the real cost of living | Living Wage Foundation

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110. Labour Force Survey (LFS), Jan-Mar datasets (not seasonally adjusted), ONS, published 16 May 2023.

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113. freeing_low-income_single_parents_from_in-work_povertys_grip.pdf (locarla.com)

114. Maternity cost of living survey - Maternity Action

115. Funded early learning and childcare - mygov.scot

116. Cost of living insights - Office for National Statistics (ons.gov.uk)

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118. Connecting Scotland: phase 2 evaluation - gov.scot (www.gov.scot)

119. https://www.rurallives.co.uk/uploads/1/2/7/3/127324359/453540_rural_poverty_report_2021_8.3.2021_optimised.pdf

120. Communications Affordability Tracker - Ofcom

121. Tackling Digital Exclusion in the Cost of Living Crisis (digitalpovertyalliance.org)

122. Benefits Uprating 2022/23 - House of Commons Library (parliament.uk)

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124. Benefits uprating 2023/24 - House of Commons Library (parliament.uk)

125. Investing in social security - gov.scot (www.gov.scot)

126. Living-Standards-Outlook-2023.pdf (resolutionfoundation.org)

127. The Cost of a child in Scotland in 2022 - update | CPAG

128. Welcoming increased benefit cap mitigation | CPAG

129. The cost of living crisis: a pre-Budget briefing | Institute for Fiscal Studies (ifs.org.uk)

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131. Universal Credit: What you'll get - GOV.UK (www.gov.uk)

132. Universal credit and lone parents under 25 | CPAG

133. casepaper224.pdf (lse.ac.uk)

134. Qualitative research with low income families carried out on behalf of Scottish Government by JRS in August 2022.

135. Helping families with their living costs - gov.scot (www.gov.scot)

136. Help-today-squeeze-tomorrow.pdf (resolutionfoundation.org)

137. Child Poverty in Scotland: priority groups – larger families (healthscotland.scot)

138. Not heating, eating or meeting bills: managing a cost of living crisis on a low income | JRF

139. New data show 4 million children in households affected by food insecurity | Food Foundation

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144. Tackling child poverty: second year progress report - annex C - gov.scot (www.gov.scot)

145. International mechanisms to revalue women's work: research - gov.scot (www.gov.scot)

146. Blog: Cost of living – high inflation and increased poverty for lone parents and single elderly - The York Policy Engine, University of York

147. Rising energy bills to 'devastate' poorest families | JRF

148. Child Poverty in Scotland: priority groups - lone-parent families (publichealthscotland.scot)

149. Families_in_crisis_-_a_vital_lifeline_2022_NboBXAS.pdf (actionforchildren.org.uk)

150. 633d8007a3bfa49bd4cd0fa8_Runnymede Briefing Cost of Living FINAL.pdf (website-files.com)

151. Additional child poverty analysis 2023 - gov.scot (www.gov.scot)

152. Employment by occupation - GOV.UK Ethnicity facts and figures (ethnicity-facts-figures.service.gov.uk)

153. UK Poverty 2023: The essential guide to understanding poverty in the UK | JRF

154. Social Security Experience Panels - ethnic minorities: report - gov.scot (www.gov.scot)

155. The experience of Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic communities with HMRC services (revenuebenefits.org.uk)

156. Race in the workplace: The McGregor-Smith review (publishing.service.gov.uk)

157. RSPH | RSPH's new report shows health will be the price we will pay for the cost-of-living crisis

158. Cost of living: Impact of rising costs on disabled people - House of Lords Library (parliament.uk)

159. Disability Price Tag 2023: the extra cost of disability | Disability charity Scope UK

160. Cost of living (euansguide.com)

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162. How is the cost of living crisis affecting disabled people in the UK? - Economics Observatory

163. Disability and employment, UK - Office for National Statistics (ons.gov.uk)

164. Understanding unpaid carers and their access to support - The Health Foundation

165. Costly-differences.pdf (resolutionfoundation.org)

166. Tackling child poverty - third year progress report : annex B - child poverty in families with a disabled adult or child - gov.scot (www.gov.scot)

167. £150 Disability Cost of Living Payments begin this month - GOV.UK (www.gov.uk)

168. Cost of living: the impact for disabled people | Disability charity Scope UK

169. Is-cost-of-living-support-enough.pdf (jpit.uk)

170. Food for thought • Resolution Foundation

171. Food Prices Tracker: May 2023 | Food Foundation

172. Carer's Allowance Supplement - mygov.scot

173. Child Winter Heating Assistance - mygov.scot

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175. cost+of+living+briefing+note_may+2022_forwebsite.pdf (squarespace.com)

176. New parents 'bear brunt' of inflation as price of nappies soars by 60 per cent, research finds | The Independent

177. Early learning and childcare expansion - Early education and care - gov.scot (www.gov.scot)

178. Help paying for childcare: Universal Credit and childcare - GOV.UK (www.gov.uk)

179. Coping with Gendered Welfare Stigma: Exploring Everyday Accounts of Stigma and Resistance Strategies among Mothers Who Claim Social Security Benefits | Social Policy and Society | Cambridge Core

180. National Minimum Wage and National Living Wage rates - GOV.UK (www.gov.uk)

181. Tackling Child Poverty focus report with mothers aged under 25 (www.gov.scot)

182. Young people living independently (publishing.service.gov.uk)

183. Parenting support - The Experiences of Mothers Aged Under 20: Analysis of Growing Up in Scotland Data - Research Findings - gov.scot (www.gov.scot)

184. Autumn Statement 2022 HTML - GOV.UK (www.gov.uk)

185. The Social Security (Additional Payments) Bill 2022-23 - House of Commons Library (parliament.uk)

186. Cost of Living Payment 2022 - GOV.UK (www.gov.uk)

187. Pensioner Cost of Living Payment 2022 to 2023 management information - GOV.UK (www.gov.uk)

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189. First 2023/24 Cost of Living Payment dates announced - GOV.UK (www.gov.uk)

190. Payment window for £150 Disability Cost of Living Payment announced - GOV.UK (www.gov.uk)

191. CBP-9616.pdf (parliament.uk)

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193. Response to Budget 2023 | JRF

194. Take-up report | Distant Welfare

195. Social_tariffs.pdf (cpag.org.uk)

196. Were-going-on-a-growth-hunt.pdf (resolutionfoundation.org)

197. www.jrf.org.uk/report/low-income-not-claiming-means-tested-benefits

198. Guarantee our essentials - The Trussell Trust

199. Public attitudes towards poverty (jrf.org.uk)

200. Report-of-the-inquiry-into-stigma-CPG-on-Poverty.pdf (povertyalliance.org)

201. Rural Lives: Understanding financial hardship and vulnerability in rural areas

202. Microsoft Word - Cash-first-literature-review.docx (trusselltrust.org)

203. How we can flush out poverty stigma from our systems and services | JRF

204. Viitanen, T.K., (2005). Cost of childcare and female employment in the UK. Labour, 19, pp.149-170.

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206. Falling faster amidst a cost of living crisis: poverty, inequality and ethnicity in the UK

207. Child Poverty Delivery Plan: Voices from our communities - The Poverty Alliance

208. Government plans "completely out of step with public opinion" as clear majority call for benefits to be uprated by inflation | JRF


Email: social-justice-analysis@gov.scot

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