
Disability benefits evaluation - case transfer: qualitative research - annex A

Qualitative research supporting the findings from the evaluation of the case transfer process in the context of the devolution of disability benefits.


1 The cohort covered by this research are those who were under 65 when PIP was introduced on 08 April 2013

2 Policy commitments regarding the review process more generally can be found in the Disability Assistance Awards and Entitlement Policy Position Paper

3 Note that several participants reported that the case transfer happened because their child’s award was due to be reviewed or because they had reported a change of circumstances, however all these DLACCDP transfers were chosen based on age.

4 Note that age was collected for CDP clients only in Phase One, and for PIP and DLA clients in Phase Two (age of DLA clients in Phase One was not collected therefore figures will not sum to the total number of interviews among DLA clients).

5 Refers to the backward test, which is the amount of time an individual must have met the conditions of entitlement for a particular rate of a component of ADP. See information on the backwards and forwards tests for ADP.

6 Policy commitments regarding the review process more generally can be found in the Disability Assistance Awards and Entitlement Policy Position Paper

7 Policy commitments regarding the review process more generally can be found in the Disability Assistance Awards and Entitlement Policy Position Paper



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