Child Winter Heating Assistance: evaluation report - qualitative research
This qualitative evaluation describes a number of positive findings for the CWHA payment, but also highlights some potential areas for improvement.
Appendix 3: Socio-Economic Grouping (SEG) Classifications
Occupation Group – A
- These are professional people, very senior managers in business or commerce or top-level civil servants.
- Retired people, previously grade A job.
- People whose late spouse or civil partner worked in a grade A job.
Occupation Group – B
- Middle Management executives in large organisations, with appropriate qualifications.
- Principal officers in local government and civil service.
- Top management or owners of small business concerns, educational and service establishments.
- Retired people, previously grade B job.
- Retired people whose late spouse or civil partner worked in a grade B job.
Occupation Group – C1
- Junior Management, owners of small establishments, and all others in non-manual positions.
- Jobs in this group have very varied responsibilities and educational requirements.
- Retired people, who worked in a grade C1 job.
- Retired people whose late spouse or civil partner worked in a grade C1 job.
Occupation Group – C2
- Junior Management, owners of small establishments, and all others in non-manual positions.
- Jobs in this group have very varied responsibilities and educational requirements.
- Retired people, who worked in a grade C1 job.
- Retired people whose late spouse or civil partner worked in a grade C1 job.
Occupation Group – D
- All semi-skilled and unskilled manual workers, apprentices and trainees to skilled workers.
- Retired people, who worked in a grade D job and who now receive an occupational pension.
- Retired people whose late spouse or civil partner worked in a grade D job and who now themselves receive a pension based on that job.
Occupation Group – E
- Long term recipients of state benefits.
- Unemployed for more than six months.
- Off sick for six months or more.
- Casual workers and those without a regular income.
- Intermittent workers in receipt of income support.
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